Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. 4, iss. 4
Educational Acmeology
Dombrovskis V., Chapulis S., Guseva S.
Inclusive Education in Latvia for Children with Functional Motor Disorders in the Context of Sustainable Development
Shchetinina E. B.
Resilience of Students with Health Limitations as a Factor of Successful Socio-Psychological Adaptation to the Environment of Higher Educational Institution
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Investigations of Psyche’s Development
Psychology of Social Development
Vagapova A. R.
Attitude to Politico-Social Phenomena and Satisfaction with Life in Representatives of Different Ethnic Groups
Malyshev I. V., Abdulaev А. S.
Peculiarities of Value Orientations and Personal Socialization in Adolescents with Health Limitations
Pedagogy of Development and Cooperation
Gritsenko V. V., Shustova L. Р., Nikitina O. G.
Personal Upbringing under Conditions of Additional Education Based on Polycultural Approach
Akaemova Y. А.
Development of Ethno-cultural Tolerance in Adolescents under Conditions of General Educational Process
Suslova O. I.
The Formation of the Motivational Component of Professional Development of Future Special Psychologists
Bakaevа О. N.
Utilization of Pedagogical Technologies in the Process of Training Teachers to Work with Gifted Children (aged 5–10 years old) in the System of Higher Education
Kunichenko O. V.
Особенности воспитания нравственного поведения детей 5–7 лет в условиях экранной культуры