Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Теоретико-методологические подходы к исследованию развития психики

Phenomenon of «Acme»

Dedicated ambiguous aspects of the relationship between the individual (in situations of success, occupational referred to as «Acme») and the environment, relationships, avoiding discussion of sequential study in publications typical of acmeology. Considered important for understanding the phenomenon of «Acme» his «measurements» (temporary, ethical, methodological).

The Problem of Crisis in Acmeology

The article describes the results of theoretical analysis of crisis through the acmeological approach. The integration of different views on a crisis by philosophers, historians, sociologists and psychologists allowed us to define the features of crisis in individual life and social development. There were shown: 1) the difference between crisis, acme, katabole and catharsis; 2) the foundation of ideal as central concept of this problem; 3) the classification of crisis overcoming stages.

Confidence In Social World As Acmeological Basis of Tolerant Mentality Formation Of University Students

The article presents an acmeological approach to research the pro­cess of tolerant mentality formation of University students. Based on the comparison criteria of an acmeological maturity of personality and a formation of tolerant personality it concludes a meaningful proximity of these characteristics. According to the analysis of the research the leading role of confidence in a social world as the basis of tolerant mentality formation of personality and one of the basic conditions de­fining level of acmeological maturity of personality is defined.

Meaningful Characteristics of a Person’s Attitude to Activity

The article touches upon the man’s attitude to activities as an ag­gregate of structural content «internal conditions» of an attitude to activities. It was shown that the motivation and self-esteem was domi­nant components of «internal conditions». The structural and content organisation of character qualities and personality traits depends on internal contents of the motivation and self-esteem.

Subjective Understanding of Three Realities of Human Existence

The study analyses three realities in which human lives: empirical, socio-cultural, and existential. The research shows that human exists in different realities and understand them with different psychological grounding. Common meaning for all the people, not individual per­sonal meaning, acts as a psychological basis for understanding of judgments about the facts of empirical reality. In this case under­standing is based on commonly known authentic knowledge which M. Foucault called «cognitive», not converting the subject under­standing the world.

Academic and Practical Psychology: Search for the Ways of Mutual Understanding and Cooperation

The article discusses the issue of the relationship between the academic psychology and psychology practice. It is argued that the mismatch (gap) between the academic psychology and psychology practice is normal and natural. In scientific psychology going rivalry between naturalistic and hermeneutic paradigms. The author analyzes the current state of scientific psychology.

Anthropological Status of Modern Psychological Knowledge

The article proves the necessity to harmonize Christian, psychological, and pedagogical anthropology. Due to anthropological paradigm in the systems of humanities they proved the necessity to distinguish three types of psychological knowledge: psychology of the mind, human psychology, and Orthodox (Christian) psychology – psychology of life path. Such distinction between systems of psychological knowledge allows discussing the problem of proper construction of the hierarchy in human reality.

Eco-Psychological Prerequisites for Studying Psychological Activity

The author suggests using eco-psychological approach to psyche’s development in order to overcome methodological barriers in the course of studying the emergence of psychological phenomena. The article lists the basic types of eco-psychological interactions, demonstrates the possibilities of their utilization for analysis of gnoseological and onthological paradigms of psychological investigation. The article describes seven stages of establishment of subjectness.

Terra incognita of vitality problem: Open issues. Part 2

The relevance of studying resilience is among other things conditioned by faster evolution of social objects, increase in general uncertainty, lack of stability, complexity and ambiguity of the dynamics of their state, which, in their turn, lead to an increase in the requirements for adaptation mechanisms of an individual and social groups (families, collectives, sports teams, managerial or project teams); the importance of an individual’s socio-psychological and psychological resources is increasing.

Теоретические основы структурных компонентов и детерминант ролевого взаимодействия курсантов: метасистемный подход

The relevance of the study is conditioned by changes taking place in the Russian Armed Forces, which are associated with the growth of military conflicts, with reforms and reorganizations in the structure of the National Guard, etc. Therefore, it imposes certain requirements on the professional training of the military personnel of the National Guard, who must fulfill several roles simultaneously and harmoniously integrate them into within their personality.
