Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Теоретико-методологические подходы к исследованию развития психики

Growing up in Adolescence Ontogenesis: the Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Research

The article describes theoretical explanation of the empirical study of a teenager transiting to adulthood. The author puts emphasis on the problem of growing personality from childhood to adulthood during ontogenesis with such determinants of the integral development as the development of adulthood, maturity and understanding of the problems of self-realization and self-expression in the future.

The Study of Social and Psychological Adaptation of the Compatriots Moving from the Neighboring Countries to Russia: Scientific and Methodical Aspect

The article argues for the adaptation research topicality of compatriots’ moving from neighboring countries to Russia, deals with methodical aspects of social-psychological and individual-personal factors, influencing migrants-compatriots’ adaptation success. It is expected that along with universality of expected problems migrants-compatriots’ social-psychological adaptation will have its specificity, caused by psychological characteristics and conditions of the resettlement of this category of migrants to Russia.

Socio-Cultural Matrix of Personality Development

The author uses her original approach to treat the role of personal representations of «Self – Other» in the development, formation, and self-determination of a person, which are constructed at different levels of the subject’s interaction (culture, society, personality). The paper suggests that it is culture and society that create conditions necessary for the development of personality by designing a kind of a socio-cultural matrix, but that it is a person that chooses meaningful reasons and value orientation for the trajectory of his/her spiritual and moral developme

Creativity Freedom and Determinism

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of dialectical unity of creativity freedom and determinism — a general psychological principle of causality proposed by S. L. Rubinsteyn. The paper provides a rationale for «a refraction effect of external influence through the subject’s mental state, through his established mindset and feelings». It is shown that creativity freedom and determinism are mutually reinforcing.

Space and Time of Intersubjective Interactions as Resources (Research Question Outline)

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of historical trends in the evolution of space and time in work organization as a collective activity of people as its subjects. Because of changes in conditions of interactions between these subjects, new resources are generated. The paper examines possible approaches to the study of space and the effects of interactions between subjects. It identifies seven stages in the evolution of interactions between subjects of collective activities during the twentieth century.

A Person’s Socialization in the Light of the Concepts of Three Anthropological Dominants (Research Question Outline)

A multidisciplinary analysis of a person’s socialization has been performed based on the theory of three modes of oral tradition epic, lyric poetry, and drama. The paper proposes an idea that a person’s socialization can be viewed as sequential inclusion of epic, lyric, and dramatic components of the exploration of social space.

Study of Identity in the Context of the Special Personality Psychology

Presents a generalized theoretical and practical approach, showing the need to study the identity of persons with intellectual disabilities in the special psychology of the individual in the context of the study of the regulatory and behavioral functions of self-awareness and realization of antisocial behavior orientation. Emphasized the leading role in the formation of suggestibility maladaptive social behavior such persons proposed diagnostic evaluation parameters of the sensitive subject to suggestion in the presence of intellectual pathology.

«Acme», Efficiency of Activities and the Success of Stakeholder

The article discusses the problem of «acme» in the context of content and relationships of functional systems, which provide the efficiency of professional activity and social success of man as its subject. Two criteria - the measure of specialization of functional systems and the closeness of the relationships of the subject to environmental conditions, allow us to identify and arrange the concepts, according to the contents of the concepts which they denote: as Makings

Social-Cognitive Approach in the Research on Social-Psychological Maturity of Personality

The research provides the data of theoretical and methodological analysis of the essence of social and psychological maturity of personality from the point of view of socialization/individualization processes and the process of interpersonal interaction. Social-psychological maturity of personality has been regarded as a psychological construct appearing in the process of integration of social and individual components of maturity, such as subjectness, meaning and cognitive formation of personality.

Levels and Criteria of Individuality Evolution

The article presents data regarding theoretical analysis of implementation of the two major approaches to the term «individuality», which were adopted by Soviet and post-Soviet ideology. The author developed level-based structure of the theoretical model - «Personoriented concept of happiness», which allows to incorporate both versions, where the first version is hierarchically subordinate to the second version.
