Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Теоретико-методологические подходы к исследованию развития психики

Economic Resocialization of an Individual and a Group: the Concept and Main Research Directions

The aim of the presented in the article theoretical analysis is to lay emphasis on research directions of certain areas of economic psychology that are of interest from the viewpoint of describing different forms of economic resocialization. The article deals with the issue of the layered structure of economic resocialization and emphasizes its two forms (subforms) depending on the evaluation level (macro or microsocial).

Professional Selection: History and Prospects for Goal Setting

Purpose of the study: analysis of the set of issues related to the problem of professional selection (methodology and methods, techniques, procedures for organizing and conducting diagnostics, preservation and use of the empirical data, etc.).

The Ratio of Self-Esteem, Aspiration Level and Value Orientations of an Individual

From the perspective of the subject-activity theory by S.L. Rubinstein and reflexive activity approach developed by E.I. Kuzmina, which became the methodological basis of our experimental study of self-esteem, aspiration level and value orientations, we clarified the psychological content and substantiated the dialectical unity of these central personality phenomena, showed the heuristic possibilities of their comprehensive research for a deeper understanding of the development of an individual.

A. M. Matyushkin’s Concept of Creative Giftedness as a Presupposition of Development of Creative Personality

Basic aspects of the concept of creative giftedness by A. M. Matyushkin are represented in the context of modern scientific literature and theoretical and experimental research of the staff of the Psychology of Giftedness Laboratory of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education.

A Person as a Subject in the Continuum «Prerequisites – Competencies»

Purpose of the study: to reveal both the nature of their interrelations and the functional relationships of the reflected phenomena (as fragments of social reality) through analyzing the practice of using a number of scientific terms in psychology.

Statuses of “Acme” in Career Self-Determination: an Invitation to Discuss

The article specifies the concept of “acme”. It outlines similarities and differences between this concept and the concept of “elitist orientations” of the developing personality: with a common orientation toward high achievements, “acme” does not always imply public recognition, and every person can have it, whereas “elite orientations” presuppose, sooner or later, some public recognition and a change in the individual’s social status. Career self-determination is examined in connection with the search and clarification of the meaning of future professional activity.

“Acme”: Space and Time of Manifestation of the Phenomenon

The article discusses the content of the phenomenon of “acme”, it identifies “open questions”, the lack of answers to which hinders its study (temporal parameters of acme, the degree and nature of integration of human qualities, uniqueness and stability of mental structures, the role of environment and the nature of involvement of human activity in the activities of social groups, etc.). The purpose of the article is to raise questions of searching for and identifying spatial and temporal parameters of how the phenomenon of “acme” is manifested.

Use of Clinical Interview for the Yakut Mentality Studies

The paper presents rationale for the choice of research method, taking into account not only the subject of the research, but also characteristics of the object of the research. Based on the features of the mentality of the Sakha people, which are referred to the «silence culture», we propose the method of semi-structured clinical interviews and interpretation of results using microsemantic analysis. It is suggested that the clinical interview will clarify specific cultural psychological constructs.

Structural and Functional Approach to the Process of Identity Formation

The paper analyzes modern approaches to the study of a person’s self-awareness and its structural characteristics. In the context of a metasystem approach, the paper presents and provides a rationale for its theoretical structural and functional model. Self-awareness of the individual is represented as an open purpose-oriented tiered system, whose development results in the individual’s self-identification within the system of social relations.

Psychological Rehabilitation of Families with Children with Health Limitations

The paper presents an approach developed by the author of the study to addressing special features of the attitude to diseases and health conditions of different groups of people, including children and families with disabilities, and to addressing the problems and components of their rehabilitation. The study directs special attention at understanding as the leading modality of productive comprehension of health problems and their transformation, which is an important component of a person’s recovery and healing and his/her relationship with oneself and the world.
