Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Теоретико-методологические подходы к исследованию развития психики

Parity of the Self-Relation and Characteristics of Success of the Person of the Social Worker in the Course of Professional Socialisation

In article the self-relation and characteristics of success of the person of the social worker in the course of professional socialisationis considered. The description of the self-relation, success in interdependence and interference in the course of professional socialisationis given. It is underlined, that the relation to success of the trade can influence the self-relation in the same degree, as well as the self-relation can influence emotionally-estimated characteristics of success.

Interrelation of Valuable Orientations of the Person and its Propensity to Envy

The article contains the results of empirical research in revealing of inter-functional communications of the value orientations with the general level of own envy, with envy to purchases, achievements, qualities (in 17 subjects). It points out four groups of values depending on the character of interrelations of significant/accessible values with envy. The interrelation between a mismatch indicator in motivational-personal sphere and envy is found out.

Choice Vital Position and Gendr Orientation of Studrnts

Research results of main determinants and activity variants with gender distinction singling out are presented here. We expound aspects and views of individual qualities, their effectiveness on the base of the youth and students gender purposefulness analyses.

Role of Motivation of Activity in Formation of Professionalism of the Person

The motivation of activity directed on achievement of professional success is considered as a necessary condition of professionalism formation of the person. It is shown, that domination being-motives defines aspiration teachers of the higher school to self-realization. Thus as regulators of their professional behavior altruism and orientation to freedom in the pedagogical activity, shown in independence act at planning and achievement of the purposes.

Psycholinguistic Analysis of Errors which Appear in the Process of Foreign Language Learning

In the article psycholinguistic classification of errors which appear in the process of foreign language learning (on an example of English language) is discussed. The reasons of occurrence of errors, ways of their elimination and occurrence preventive maintenance in speech are analyzed. Also the role of linguistic attention in regulation of the specified processes at various stages of interlanguage is considered.

Social Intelligence as the Factor of Effective Activity of Employees Criminally-Executive System

In article representations about social intelligence, the concept of social intelligence are considered. The structure of social intelligence and sources of its development is allocated, comparison of emotional and social intelligence is resulted. It is underlined features of relations at employees criminally-executive system.

Characteristics of Valuem-Semantic Sphere Depending on a Professional Orientation of the Person of the Student

In article the vital values determining development of the person of young people are opened. The author submits results of empirical research of features of valuable sphere of the person at the future experts in system of trades “person — artistic image” and “person — sign”, in particular students focused on creativity and students of philological faculty.

Interrelation of Readiness and Motivation to Risk

In clause the basic problems, concerning motivations of risk and readiness for risky behavior are considered. Results of the comparative analysis of motivation of risk of representatives of different generations are discussed. Distinctions in structure of readiness for risk, representations about motivation of risk in society and subjective motivation of youth, an average and the senior generation are established. The interrelation of readiness for risk and motivation is established.

To the Issue of Envy in the Aspect of Family Relationships’ Psychology

Peculiarities of correlation of a person’s jealousy with satisfaction from the marriage, reasons for getting married, styles of love, matrimonial needs, a family’s values and role aims are considered in the article.

Interrelation of Social Representations about Envy and Self-Actualisation of the Person of the Student

Given article is devoted research of social representations about envy and self-actualisation of the person of the student. The description of empirical research of representations about essencethe nature and the reasons of envy depending on level of self-actualisation of the personis given. 
