For citation:
Znakov V. V. Subjective Understanding of Three Realities of Human Existence. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2014, vol. 3, iss. 4, pp. 311-315. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2014-3-4-311-315
Subjective Understanding of Three Realities of Human Existence
The study analyses three realities in which human lives: empirical, socio-cultural, and existential. The research shows that human exists in different realities and understand them with different psychological grounding. Common meaning for all the people, not individual personal meaning, acts as a psychological basis for understanding of judgments about the facts of empirical reality. In this case understanding is based on commonly known authentic knowledge which M. Foucault called «cognitive», not converting the subject understanding the world. In socio-cultural reality the understanding of facts depends on opinions of subjects of communication and on meanings of events and situations which they generate. The article proves that every understanding is multi-optional and potentially includes several possible interpretations of the same events and situations. Interpretations are considered as a specific means of understanding: the more of them, the higher the degree of completeness of understanding will be. Experience and practice are reasons for understanding the events and situations in existential reality. Grounds for understanding – experience and practice – integrate, theoretically combine in the concept and, accordingly, the phenomenon of «spiritual knowledge» introduced and analyzed by M. Foucault. The result of understanding the events is understanding-comprehension, not understanding-knowledge.
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