Uchenye zapiski Pedagogicheskogo instituta SGU im. N.G. Chernyshevskogo. Seriya: Psikhologiya. Pedagogika, 2010, vol. 3, iss. 4
Psychology of Social Development
Grigorieva M. V.
The Concept of “Educational Environment” and Models of Educational Media in the Modern National Educational Psychology
Prygin G. S., PRYGINA I. L.
Structure of Pathopsychological Syndrome that Determines Schizophrenic Defect is Analyzed from the Position of General Psychology
Tkacheva M. S.
The Peculiarities of the Development Sportsmen’s Intellectual Attention to Coach’s Pedagogical Iniercourse
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Investigations of Psyche’s Development
Nikitenko P. D.
Interrelation of Social Representations about Envy and Self-Actualisation of the Person of the Student
Malyshev I. V.
Characteristics of Valuem-Semantic Sphere Depending on a Professional Orientation of the Person of the Student
Kretova E. P.
Social Intelligence as the Factor of Effective Activity of Employees Criminally-Executive System
Zubkova I. V.
Psycholinguistic Analysis of Errors which Appear in the Process of Foreign Language Learning
Pedagogy of Development and Cooperation
Stenina T. L.
Pedagogical Problem of Formation of Design Culture in the Conditions of Formation of Civil Servants