Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Педагогика развития и сотрудничества

Axiological characteristics of the teacher with a tutor’s viewpoint

The relevance of the research is due to the trends developing in the Russian education that are connected with updating the approaches and principles of the pedagogical activity based on tutorship ideas. The formation of a new pedagogical profession of a tutor in mass educational practice has objectifi ed the problems associated with a unifi ed understanding of the key categories of tutoring by the pedagogical community. These categories determine the essence and peculiarities of professional tutoring.

Development of teacher education in the Republic of Ghana

Relevance. Integration of African students into the Russian cultural and educational space is one of the most eff ective means of fostering friendly bilateral relations in order to implement Russia’s humanitarian policy on the African continent. Pedagogical education can become an important form of cooperation; it may include enrolling foreign students in higher education programs and expanding our work in educational centers abroad. Such a center promoting Russian culture among students was opened in the Republic of Ghana in 2003.

Transformation of pedagogical support in the digital age

The relevance of the research is due to the objective need to study the process of digital transformation and, as a result, to study pedagogical support as a phenomenon that has undergone signifi cant evolution in recent years due to the widespread integration of digital technology into educational contexts. Purpose: to generalize and analyze the research in the study fi eld, to present the experience, and to identify changes and trends in providing pedagogical support which is based on the use of digital technology in modern educati on.

Modern guidelines for the conceptualization of personal development and upbringing in higher education

The relevance of the research is determined by the necessity to conceptualize the educational process at universities in new social and cultural conditions that are accompanied by challenges to Russian education. The development of programs and methodological materials outside the system of key theoretical directions has a risk of reducing the level of validity, compliance with the laws of modern education, consistency, and holistic vision.

Особенности сотрудничества учащихся начальной школы в зависимости от характеристик образовательной среды

Актуальность исследования обусловлена требованиями ФГОС начального общего образования, в которых зафиксированы метапредметные образовательные результаты, включающие овладение такими навыками сотрудничества, как: определение цели совместной деятельности и путей ее достижения, распределение ролей, взаимный контроль, оценка собственного поведения и поведения окружающих, конструктивное разрешение конфликтов. Цель: определение характеристик образовательной среды, в которой учащиеся демонстрируют высокий уровень навыков сотрудничества.

Pedagogical conservatism of university teachers

The relevance of the research is due to the need to implement the principle of cooperation and interaction of the subjects of the educational process, and to use the creative approach in the situation of modernizing higher education. The purpose of the research is to identify indicators, criteria, and development factors of university teachers’ pedagogical conservatism.

Trends in gender studies in the fi eld of physical education and sports

The relevance of the research is determined by the necessity to analyze and summarize the results of gender studies devoted to physical education and sports. The objective of the research is to identify the trends in scientifi c studies in the fi eld of physical education and sports using the method of a literature review of papers based on the gender approach.

Диверсифицированные подходы и стратегии формирования инженерного мышления у студентов педагогических вузов

Актуальность исследования обусловлена подготовкой высококвалифицированных специалистов с инженерным мышлением, необходимых для развития научно-технического потенциала страны. Процесс подготовки такого специалиста с разносторонним и гибким мышлением начинается еще со школьной скамьи, где главную роль в подготовке играет учитель. Цель: выявление эффективных методик, подходов и практик, способствующих развитию инженерного мышления будущих учителей физики и информатики и применения их в практике подготовки выпускников педагогических вузов.

Professional development of teachers on the basis of a digital educational platform: Challenges to the expert community

The relevance of the research lies in the fact that teachers often fail to cope with the tasks of digital communication and their own learning via digital platform, and therefore, digital means become a kind of a communication barrier for them, instead of being a unifying bond.

Gender Approach in Education: View at the Problem

The article gives the definitions to the concepts “gender”, “gender approach” from the points of view of different science fields representatives: philosophy, psychology, pedagogics. The importance of gender approach realization for the modern educational system is revealed making it possible to think of the necessity of gender approach realization as an integral part of educational process organization. 
