Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Педагогика развития и сотрудничества

Communities of children and adult in a village school

There are several factors that justify the relevance of creating communities of children and adults in rural areas. Thus, it is determined by the necessity to ensure the continuity between older and younger generations, successful socialization of rural children, development of students’ experience in building up relationships with adults based on partnership, dialogue and cooperation. The purpose of the study is to identify the functions and peculiar activities of communities of children and adults in rural schools.

The use of memes in literature studies while training intending primary school teachers

The purpose of the research is theoretical and empirical study of the educational value of a meme in designing learning materials for higher education. The article presents the arguments supporting the necessity to use hypertextuality, multimedia, interactivity, and edutainment technologies as the ways to transform learning materials in literature studies in the course of training primary school teachers. The study proves the necessity to supplement the linear verbal content of the lecturer with a multicultural visual support.

Специфика прогнозирования в профессиональном образовании

Актуальность исследования определяется потребностью педагогической теории и практики в прогностических исследованиях для определения перспектив и рисков разрабатываемых программ развития профессиональной школы. Цель статьи – показать специфику профессионального образования как объекта прогнозирования. Отмечено, что профессиональное образование является синергетической системой, для которой характерны признаки: неравновесность, нелинейность, вариативность и вероятность развития. Интерпретированы положения методологии социального прогнозирования А.С.

Специфика формирования будущих лидеров глобальных рынков высоких технологий в условиях цифровой трансформации общества

Определение специфики формирования будущих лидеров глобальных рынков высоких технологий в условиях цифровой трансформации общества по-прежнему является одной из проблем, интересующих современную психологию и педагогику. Решением данной проблемы может быть выявление специфики лидерства в молодежных учебных группах, так как именно в этих группах происходит формирование личности будущих лидеров глобальных рынков высоких технологий. Цель исследования: изучить специфику лидерства в молодежных учебных группах.

Developing young teachers’ motivation for success through a professional skills competition

Developing young teachers’ motivation for success through their participation in professional competitions is a relevant issue. Its relevance is determined by the necessity to reveal the potential of a young teacher’s personality. Moreover, the impact that participation in contests may  have on a teacher’s motivation has not yet been completely investigated. The article, thus, focuses on the problem of involving young teachers in competitions held by universities.

Educational environment of the higher theological school: Challenges and solutions

Since theological seminaries have become a part of the educational system of the Russian Federation, they are now subject to state licensing and have to gain accreditation. This requires a revision of means and effective educational principles in the higher theological school. In this regard, the issue of the educational environment development contributes to a rethink of developmental strategies and helps to determine new ones. Moreover, it stimulates the search for additional interaction forms of the teachers and students.

Distance learning: New opportunities to replace learning on campus or an attempt to achieve acme in education

Distance learning in the modern world is becoming an important form of education regardless of the location of the educational institution and the physical capabilities of the student. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to obtain new theoretical knowledge about the psychological and pedagogical foundations of distance learning in order to improve it and increase its effectiveness in the conditions of the pandemic and exit from it.

Professional development training of cadets at military universities

The research appears to be of relevance due to the ongoing modernization of the system of military training. One of its directions is to establish the compatibility of personal and professional qualities of cadets with the model of a modern military specialist. The aim of the research is to carry out a qualitative analysis of the requirements imposed on the modern military by society and the state in order to reveal the essence of the professional development training of cadets.

The organization model of socio-cultural practices of youth enrichment programs (as exemplified by a student ball)

The article presents the results of the theoretical analysis of such phenomena as “socio-cultural practices”, “enrichment program”. The research determines their role in students’ personal development. The contemporary social position of a student calls for a new pedagogical approach, and therefore requires innovative or retro-innovative approaches. The author develops a socio-cultural practice of the youth enrichment program merging the ball and the role-play.

Teaching personal development in the digital age

The discussion about the changes in teaching is shaped by the ideas of what impact digitalization has on the development and socialization of the younger generation.
