Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Педагогика развития и сотрудничества

Educational Aims in the Sphere of Christian Outlook

The author attempts to define concretely the ideas of complete education in the aspect of anthropic matrix’s educational purposes and results in this article. The basis of theoretical construction caused ontological foundations of human’s method and life-style. On this basis has been built a five-level structure of normalized and non- normalized educational aims, is realized the correlation of psychological anthropology and holily-paternel traditions with the issue on understanding the hot-button problems of pedagogical activity.

Perception of risks connected with rest in summer children's camp by teenagers and parents

The article substantiates that children's summer camp can be considered as an object of high risk. The risks meeting in its educational environment are considered. The author presents experimental research materials on revealing of features of perception of the risks connected with summer children's camp, teenagers and parents.

To a question on decrease in psihologo-pedagogical risks in cooperation of the teacher with a family of the schoolboy

In article results of the analysis of negative factors of family education, the analysis of the reasons of difficulties in interaction of teachers and parents are presented. Principles of cooperation of the teacher with a family of the schoolboy and connected with the given kind of professional work psihologo-pedagogical risks are considered.

Social-pedagogical Risks: neglect and abandonment Minors

Currently in Russia formed the conditions for the growth of neglect and abandonment of children and adolescents. These phenomena become significant social-pedagogical risks not only to socialize a specific person, but for the development of society. Must appeal to the nature and causes of the problem.

Social — pedagogical risks Formations of Child's Social Experience

The article deals with the problem of socio-pedagogical risks of a child's social experience formation. The phenomenon of social experience in the aspect of childhood socialization is considered.

Risk factors in intercultural communication

In artical risk factors in intercultural communicationfre considered. Definition of risk factors was spend on liading position about typology of cultures.

Профессиональное саморазвитие будущих учителей технологии как актуальная проблема в процессе их подготовки

Актуальность. Статья посвящена рассмотрению профессионального саморазвития будущих учителей технологии как актуальной проблеме в период их подготовки в вузе.
Цель: определить важность и значимость профессионального саморазвития для будущих учителей технологии в период подготовки в вузе на основе анализа нормативных документов, исследований ученых, результатов анкетирования студентов, что позволяет сделать вывод об актуальности рассматриваемой проблемы.

Forming of Value Orientations in Theatrized Activity of Teenagers

The article dwells upon the impact of the “theatrized” (the author’s term) activity on the forming of teenagers’ value orientations. Theatrized activity is being analyzed on the basis of the concept of active education. As the factors of forming of value orientations, we take into consideration the sources of value orientations, included into all of the “layers” of the teenagers — teachers’ interaction in process of the theatrized preparation.

Psychological Health Technologies: Ideatsionny Harmonization Method Person

Psychological technologies of health: ideational a way of harmonization of the person. Are shown innovative acmeological methods of improvement of the person. Results of empirical research of positive influence harmonious archetype on a functional condition of the individual and the importance uniform psytechnologies of health are presented.
