Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Педагогика развития и сотрудничества

The Main Characteristics of the Environmental Approach to primary Ecological Education

The concept of environment is far from being a novelty in pedagogy. Along with this, at the present stage of the development of the environmental approach the following issues are actual: is the environmental approach a unity of qualitatively specific pedagogical principles alien to other approaches or does it present one of the educational technologies or its element (factor, resource or a means)?

The Formation of Making Conflict Culture Among Pre-school Children as a Scientific and Practical Problem

The analysis of aggression, violence and conflict purposes among children is presented in the article. The system of work necessity with preschool children on the formation of communicative and inclusion skills to making conflict culture is proved. 

The Origin of Multicultural Education in Educational Theory and Practice

Under current trends of globalization, increasing importance is placed on an active dialogue of cultures, based on consent, mutual interest, understanding and respect, which manifests itself through language, culture, traditions, etc. That said, the dialogue and the integration of cultures can only be successful if the principle of tolerance is followed throughout.

Theoretical and methodological principles in development of art education

The study appears relevant due to the need of theoretical and applied pedagogy to research the issues of art education concerning its theoretical and methodological aspects. The purpose of the research is to study the theoretical and methodological principles in development of art education. Attention is drawn to the content of the Art Education Framework as a federal-level document that develops the strategy of the cultural policy of the Russian Federation in the designated area and regulates art education in educational organizations of diff erent levels.

Modeling the learning environment of a cadet boarding school as a potential for self-realization of pupils

The research is relevant because there are not enough studies investigating the potential of cadet institutions’ learning environment regarding its impact on pupils’ self-realization. The purpose of the research is to study a set of conditions of the learning environment of a cadet boarding school that shape pupils’ self-realization.

Педагогические эффекты реализации технологии образовательной робототехники в начальной школе

Актуальность исследования применения технологии образовательной робототехники (ОР) в начальной школе обусловлена тенденциями цифровизации современного общества и необходимостью подготовки детей к новой технологической эпохе. Цель: выявить организационно-административные и педагогические условия, при которых эффективно применение технологии образовательной робототехники в работе с младшими школьниками.

Педагогические эффекты технологии образовательной робототехники в начальной школе

Актуальность исследования применения технологии образовательной робототехники (ОР) в начальной школе обусловлена изменениями ФГОС начального общего образования, в котором содержатся задачи освоения учащимися основ конструкторской и проектно-исследовательской деятельности. Цель исследования, представленного в данной статье – выявить организационно-административные и педагогические условия, при которых эффективно применение технологии образовательной робототехники в работе с младшими школьниками.

Modern models of women’s education in Russia and Kazakhstan

The necessity to realize women’s rights in getting higher and postgraduate education and in self-realization in the professional sphere make the study of due relevance. Moreover, the relevance is determined by the necessity to maintain women’s access to high-quality higher and postgraduate education on the basis of the unifi ed educational space of Russia and Kazakhstan. The objective of the study is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of female education models in Kazakhstan and Russia.

On preparing future teachers for personal development training

The questions of what and how to teach are traditional in education. Since knowledge in modern pedagogical science is concentrated around approaches, familiarity with them should form a meaningful basis for the training of future teachers. Pedagogy in its essence is the science and art of managing the processes of development and formation of an individual’s personality. This prompts us to pay attention primarily to instrumental approaches: personal, situational, activity-based and environmental. Their strength lies in the means to which they “owe” their name.

Interaction of subjects in the process of pre-professional pedagogical training of schoolchildren

The research is relevant due to the fact that interaction of subjects is one of the most important conditions and mechanisms to improve the quality of pre-professional pedagogical training of schoolchildren. The aim of the study is twofold: to identify and characterize the opportunities for adults and children to interact that are not used in educational organizations; to determine the developmental directions and means of interaction between subjects.
