Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Педагогика развития и сотрудничества

Influence of the Research Activity on the Students Self-Affirmation

This article analyzes the conditions as well as goals and objectives for the research activity within the learning process in a secondary school. Author examines research activity as a means of students’ self-affirmation and notes its positive impact.

Continuous Education: Historical Aspects and Modern Codition of the Problem

In article are stated historical aspects of education and a stage of development of the concept of continuous education, a problem and prospect of formation of modern continuous education with the account of three positions of its origin. Realisation of the concept of the substantial-structural approach to construction of system of the continuous education, providing integrity and a development continuity competences is considered.

To the Question about Emotional Intelligence

There is the history of such concept, as emotional intelligence, and also positions of scientists concerning formation of this new phenomenon of pedagogy in the article. The theoretical analysis of its basic models is given. It is noticed that development of emotional intelligence of children is represented to the extremely important and actual in a context of a modern society.

Theoretical Aspects of “Selfrelation” Problems

 In this article three approaches of the deterrmination of the term “selfattitude” are taken up. They are philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical theoretical approaches of this term.

Pedagogical Problem of Formation of Design Culture in the Conditions of Formation of Civil Servants

In article results of research of a phenomenon of design culture of the person of the civil servant are described: his essence, the maintenance and structure. The components making given integraiting property of the person are considered: motive-valuable, emotional, active-behavioural and reflective.

Psychopedagogical Aspects of the Organized Educational Situation

In article are discussed psychopedagogical aspects of the organized educational situation. Psychological consequences of different variants of end of educational situations.

Humanistic Paradigm of Modern Education: the Theory and Practice

In article the humanistic paradigm of modern education is submitted: the theory and practice, problems and prospects. Realization of the concept of transition from the fact educational activity of the teacher to from sense can be considered as a strategic direction of development of educational activity of the teacher.

Training the Teachers of Safety of Vital Activity as the Factor of Warning the Extraordinary Situations

In the article the aspects of the organization of independent work and practical training of specialists in the field of safety of vital activity are examined, the work with the students in the course of educational process is analyzed, are described the active methods of instruction and their place in training of future teachers.

Functional Fitness Improvement and Evaluation in Cyclic Sports

The preparation problem in cyclic sports can be reasonably solved by taking into consideration the factors of aerobic and anaerobic provision of muscular activity. The choice of training and test exercises is performed by dividing them according to the direction of their influence and in compliance with the criteria of power, capacity and efficiency of provision of energy. To evaluate the level of development of the criteria of provision of energy pedagogical means included into the group of the basic means of training are offered. 

The Diagnostics of Connected Speech of Children with Speech Abnormalities

The article presents the theoretical and methodical aspects of connected speech oliagnostics of children with speech abnormalities and presents the analysis of the authors techniques existing in modern literature. 
