Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Акмеология образования

Designing Programs of Professional Development of Pre-School Teachers

professional development of teachers of pre-school educational institutions within the framework of postgraduate education. The relevance of task forms of organizing course training of teachers in the system of career enhancement and professional training is explained. An educational program is defined as a system of situations of development that encourage a transition to self-education and self-development at the stage of postgraduate training for innovation activities.

Motivational Readiness of Law Students for Future Professional Work

The paper substantially analyzes modern approaches to the concept of a person’s motivational readiness and examines how it is manifested in students in regard to their future professional work. The paper presents the results of an empirical study that was carried out in Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky in 2014 and 2015. The study included undergraduate students in the final year of their degree program in law (N = 101) and employed the following instruments: a shortened version of the Job Diagnostic Survey (J. R. Hackman and G.

Resilience of Students with Health Limitations as a Factor of Successful Socio-Psychological Adaptation to the Environment of Higher Educational Institution

The article presents results of observation over behavior of students with health limitations in the process of receiving university education. The author formulates strategies of their behavior in a stressful situation of examination period. The article touches upon psycho-diagnostic method by S.

Inclusive Education in Latvia for Children with Functional Motor Disorders in the Context of Sustainable Development

The article presents data pertaining to theoretical analysis of topical aspects of the problem of inclusion of children with low severity functional motor disorders in the general education village school in the context of sustainable development. The author views the problem of low status of students with low severity functional motor disorders in their interaction with classmates. The article presents results of the empirical study, which was carried out on a sample of 30 students of the 7–9 grades of basic school aged 13–17.

Tendencies in Development of Special Education: Social and Cultural Approach

The article presents socio-cultural analysis of the problem of transformation of an institution of special education in Russia. It views the main factors regarding change of its content-related characteristics, orientation towards social integration and educational inclusion for children with special needs. The author analyses the mainstream of special (correctional) education in Russia, which is linked to implementation of integrational and inclusive practices for teaching children with special educational needs.

Forming Professional Conscience in Psychologists Through the Study of Primary Sources

The article gives the results of the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of forming professionalism and professional consciousness. We have updated the problem of forming professional consciousness in psychology students. We have marked out three components of professiogenesis and highlighted the role of the resource component. The multiparadigmality of psychology as a science is regarded as a condition complicating the construction of a coherent system of knowledge and the formation of a complete psychological world view.

Verbal-Logical Thinking and the Structuring of the Preadolescents Personality Traits

The results of the longitudinal study of intelligence and personality characteristics of school children aged 9-12 years are presented. The study was performed on a sample of 128 students of 3 - 6 grades during three years. The R. B. Cattell's 12-factor questionnaire and Cultural Free Test are used. The new complex data processing method based on the neural networks and factor analysis is developed.

Dynamics of subjective Characteristics of Personality in the Process of studying at the university

The article suggests the data of empirical research showing the peculiarities of dynamics of the complex of subject personality characteristics with the students in the process of education. The research has found significant differences in the structure of subject organization in the students of the first and the last years. It has been discovered that by the last year students show characteristics of creational subjectness that not only defines she high level of aspiration and selffulfillment, but also complete system of humanistic values.

Acmeological Competence of Personality as a Factor of Psychological Readiness to Risk

The article presents the detailed description of acmeological competence and psychological readiness to risk from the points of view of acme and katabole in the context of his/her life path. The authors show the results of empirical research performed on the sample group of professors (n = 51, age 31-71, professors of Saratov universities: Saratov State University, and Saratov State Agricultural University named after N. I.

Excursion Technique as Implementation of Subjective-Personal Approach to Studying History of Psychology

The article proves that excursion technique is one of the effective forms of conducting the psychology classes. The authors point out that the developed excursion program is based on biographic method as one of the scientific and historical research methods. The study points out the fact that provincial psychology has been developing as a fullfledged part of the Russian psychological science; typical picture of the Russian Empire scientific psychology development is presented in the article.
