Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Акмеология образования

Acmeological Foundations for Forming Professional Competence of a Teacher

We present the results of a scientific and practical study that is aimed at determining the methodological and strategic foundations for formation of productive competence of a professional school teacher. The hypothesis of the study is that knowledge and implementation of acmeological theory in the professional activity of a teacher contributes to formation of his/her highly productive professional competence as well as achievement of highly productive results among students.

Educator’s Acmeological Development: Theoretical Analysis of the Possibility of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

The article analyses present-day state of the career development system and takes into account fundamentalization of education. The acmeological approach to the development of fundamental education is considered from the point of view of creating a spiritual product, i.e. solving professional problems. Productivity, where knowledge, competence, skill are compared with physical, mental, acmeological neoplasms in the traits of personalities of the participants in the educational process, is considered to be the main feature of fundamental education.

Influence of Academic and Non-Academic Types of Intelligence on Academic Achievements of Students

The problems associated with the predictive validity of general intelligence and non-academic (social and emotional) intelligence remain relevant and controversial. In order to test the hypothesis that the complementarity of intelligence types can determine academic success and the formation of universal competencies among university students, we obtained (two independent samples) characteristics of general (“Progressive Matrices” by J. Raven, “The Principal Way of Grouping” by A. Lobanov), social (G. Gilford’s test) and emotional intelligence (EmIn by D. V.

Peculiarities of Students’ Self-Actualization of Personality in the Process of Inclusive Vocational Education

The paper presents the phenomenon of self-actualization in foreign and domestic humanistic psychology. Specificity of self-actualization of an individual in the sphere of professional development is determined. The approaches to the problem of self-actualization of personality in psychology from the point of the compensation theory by L. S. Vygotsky are outlined. The necessity of investigating the phenomenon of self-actualization of personality in the conditions of limitation of vital activity is shown.

Psychological Well-Being of Subjects of the Educational Process in the Context of Gender Features of Its Organization

The purpose of the study presented in the article is comparative analysis of level characteristics of subjectively perceived psychological well-being of the participants in the educational process in mono- and heterogenous educational space. It is supposed that there is interrelation between gender factors incorporated in a certain model of educational environment and subjective evaluation of psychological security of participants of educational process.

Teachers’ Difficulties in the Period of Adaptation to Professional Activities

The relevance of the study is conditioned by the contradiction between the need of society for the renewal of teaching staff and insufficient study of the problems of novice teachers, the resolution of which is required to secure the place for young specialists in educational organizations.

Development of Critical Thinking of Students in the Process of Learning a Foreign Language

The goal of the research presented in the article is to develop a model for the development of critical thinking as a condition and method to successful mastering of a foreign language. The authors of the article demonstrate an interrelation between the development of critical thinking and the efficiency of mastering a foreign language by students who are majors in Linguistics (45.03.02 bachelor level).

Identification of Special Abilities of Future Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

The purpose of the study is to determine the level of special abilities of future teachers of mathematics, physics and informatics. In the course of the pedagogical experiment, we tested the hypothesis that in the process of subject and methodological training certain special abilities of future teachers are clearly identified and highlighted. Based on the analysis of educational standards of the new generation and works of various scientists, we have highlighted professionally important qualities of a future teacher.

Acme Strategies and Acme Technologies for Productive Work of a Professional School Teacher

The article presents the results of a theoretical study aimed at scientific, practical and acmeological analysis of the definition of such concepts as “acme strategy”, “acme technology” and scientific approaches to their development, problems of identifying and forming productive acme strategies, teacher’s acme technologies in one’s professional activity.

Formation of Professional Self-Consciousness in Higher Education Institution: Content and Evaluation

This paper presents the analysis of approaches to the content of professional self-consciousness. We demonstrated a similarity of views of the majority of authors on the content of self-consciousness which is represented by professional images that determine an image of the developing subject of the surrounding community.
