Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Акмеология образования

Social Adjustment of Individuals through Facilitation of Social Interaction in Inclusive Education

Inclusion of a facilitator to the inclusive education and understanding of mechanisms and consistent patterns of facilitation of social interaction create conditions for self-education, self-development and socialization of individuals in inclusive education. The problem of both facilitation and socialization is social interaction improvement.

Psychological Formation Mechanisms of Students’ Readiness to Innovation Activity

The article deals with the results of theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of psychological formation mechanisms of students’ readiness to innovation activity. Innovation activity is an integral part of any organization or enterprise and it supports the competitiveness and survival of a person in modern changing world.

Peculiarities of Professional Self-Determination of Students at the Stage of Preparation for Subject Oriented Training

The relevance of the study is determined by the need of scientificallybased programs of psychological and pedagogical support for students of general education schools under the conditions of subject oriented pre-training. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of students’ professional self-determination at the stage of completion the basic general education and preparation for subject oriented training.

Development of Teachers’ Competence in the Context of Modern Scientific Approaches to the Innovative Activity of Educational Organizations

The article presents an example of the organization of experimental and innovative activities in the educational institutions of Ulyanovsk oblast united by the regional programme for development of innovative processes. Being implemented for almost a quarter of a century, the programme for development of innovative processes creates the conditions for the development of professional skills and teachers’ competence.

Interaction of Participants of Educational Process in Conditions of the Subject-Personal Approach

The article presents the data of the theoretical analysis of the problem of interaction between participants in educational process in the context of the subject-personal approach. The content of the concepts of subject-subjective and polysubjective interaction is analysed. Characteristics of the main directions of interaction in educational process are presented.

Individual and Personal Factors for Successful Learning of a Foreign Language by Linguistics Students

The article is devoted to the problem of the correlation between the foreign language acquisition effectiveness and personality traits, which are analyzed on the basis of Five-Factor model (P. Costa and R. McRae) and System-Functional model (A. I. Krupnov). The empirical study hypotheses were tested that the success of studying English by students is related to the Openness and Conscientiousness of the Five- Factor model, as well as to the variables from the instrumental-dynamic subsystem of initiative, considered within the framework of the System- Functional model.

Semiotic and Symbolic Means in the Life of Preschool Children

The results of theoretical analysis of the problem of semiotic (symbolic) mediation of development of preschool children psychology in the process of mastering the speech activity. It is mentioned that being a semiotic system, speech helps children to take control of their behavior: it becomes controlled (perceived) and organized (self-developed in the context of the situation).

Student Creative Self-Realization Techniques in Literature Courses

Based on the process of students studying literature and developing aesthetic abilities, the author developed optimal techniques of training a modern expert who demonstrates extensive expertise, aesthetic abilities, and abilities for creative self-realization. The paper proposes a technique of student-teacher and student-university services cooperation as a way to improve the academic process, to help students acquire required knowledge and, consequently, develop abilities for creative realization.

A Teacher’s Culture of Reading as a Means of Humanizing Educational Environment

Humanization and humanitarization are interpreted as interrelated components of educational environment. Literature is interpreted as a universum of human existence. Reading is defined as a multifunctional sociocultural phenomenon, a means of structuring macro-and micro-space of a personality. The culture of reading is included in the structure of the teacher’s job profile. A high level of the teacher’s culture of reading is viewed as a means of introducing junior high school students to the world of literature and to the world of human values.

Conditions of Conflict Competence Formation of Teachers in Pre-School Educational Institution

The article presents the results of the study of conflict competence formation among teachers of pre-school educational institutions. The results of the empirical study were obtained on the basis of preschool educational institution in Saratov, using following diagnostic tools: K. N. Thomas «Conflict Mode Instrument», express-method for assessing the psychological climate among staff (A. Mikhailyuk, L. Yu.
