Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

For citation:

Kuzmina N. V., Pautova L. E., Zharinova E. N. Acmeological Foundations for Forming Professional Competence of a Teacher. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 4-12. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2020-9-1-4-12

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Acmeological Foundations for Forming Professional Competence of a Teacher

Kuzmina Nina V., Saratov State University
Pautova Lyudmila E., All- Russian Science Institute of Irrigation Systems and Agricultural Water Supply “Raduga”
Zharinova Evgeniya N., Saint Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

We present the results of a scientific and practical study that is aimed at determining the methodological and strategic foundations for formation of productive competence of a professional school teacher. The hypothesis of the study is that knowledge and implementation of acmeological theory in the professional activity of a teacher contributes to formation of his/her highly productive professional competence as well as achievement of highly productive results among students. We used the following methods: theoretical, logical, scientific and practical analysis; systematization and interpretation of research results. Based on the provisions and laws of the acmeological theory of fundamental education, we made an attempt to determine the acmeological foundations for the formation of productive professional competence of a teacher within modern system of vocational education, a set of scientific and practical approaches to formation of professional competence of a teacher of vocational education, taking into account the single criterion for the quality of education, Federal Educational Standard and professional standards, teacher strategy in vocational education. According to the results of the study: 1) it is theoretically grounded and determined that clarification of scientific and practical foundations of teacher’s productivity contributes to the definition of basic conceptual provisions of highly productive professional activities and generation of highly productive original systems of scientific and educational activities; 2) we clarified the acmeological foundations for the formation of professional competencies of a teacher as the subject of social transformations of the educational system at macro and mega levels; 3) we clarified the concept of “productive competence”, its levels, structure and principles of formation of a teacher in the professional activity.


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