Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Психология социального развития

The Method of Analysis the Group’s Values

In article deals with the «value of group» and «group values». The method of the analysis the values of the group, consisting of definition the individual representations about values of their group, mathematical expectation and dispersion level is offered.  

To the Question about the Conceptual Apparatus of the Psychology of Social Communications

The article analyses the positions of Russian and foreign representatives of the social-humanities in definition of such conceptions as «intercourse», «communication», «social communication», «interpersonal communication»; reveals the basic contradictions in their definitions; takes the attempt to systematize these terms.

Some Problems of Designing of Social Representations

In article various approaches to studying of such socially-psychological phenomenon, as social representation are considered. The theoretical analysis of occurrence of social representations is given. The model of designing of social representations is offered and complete representation of the person.

About Traditional Approaches to the Understanding of the Interpersonal Conflict in Foreign Psychology

In this article there are results of studying of theoretical views to the nature and to the matter of the interpersonal conflict developed into foreign psychology. It is given particular consideration to the analysis of conflict’s theories formed into the theme of psychoanalysis, behaviourism and cognitive psychology.

The Analysis of Approaches to Mentality Studying in a Psychological Science

The analysis of the historical and psychological literature has allowed to reveal a number of approaches to definition of concept «mentalition» and «mentality». Works of the Moscow psychological school represent attempts to consider integrated mechanisms of mentality and its communication with generalising socially-psychological characteristics of the person and share on two directions socially-psychological categories, such as the way of life, social representations, etc.

Особенности представления о старении у мужчин и женщин в периоды средней и поздней взрослости

Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью научного обоснования и разработки методов улучшения качества жизни в пожилом возрасте. Цель: изучение особенностей представления о старении у мужчин и женщин в периоды средней и поздней взрослости. Гипотеза: особенности восприятия старения у мужчин и женщин проявляются в представлении о каузальной роли старения в контексте изменений, происходящих со здоровьем, а также в эмоциональном отношении к старению.

A retrospective study of the ethnic identity development in the childhood: Analysis of ethnic autobiographies of high school students

The contradiction between the necessity to identify the resource potential of ethnic identity in modern conditions, on the one hand, and the contradictory data on its development in persons whose socialization takes place in an ethnically homogeneous environment, on the other hand, makes the study issue relevant. The research purpose: a retrospective study of the ethnic identity development in high school students living in a mono-ethnic Russian region – the Smolensk region.

Personal correlates of self-effi cacy in educational and professional activities of medical university students

The relevance of the study is due to the following fact. The study of the personal determinants of self-effi cacy of medical university students is a relevant research issue as it allows us to identify their contribution to the development of an adequate image of the “professional self” in the structure of the self-concept of future doctors. The purpose of the research is to study the correlation between personal characteristics of university students and diff erent degrees of self-effi cacy in educational and professional activities. Hypothesis.

Individual psychological indicators of a person’s addiction to social networks: An integrative approach

The relevance of the study is due to the following fact. Comparative analysis of individual psychological characteristics of students with and without addiction to social networks, that is conducted by means of the integrative approach, allows us, firstly, to identify the connection of multi-level characteristics in the structure of the individuality and, secondly, to single out latent, resource capabilities of the individual for psycho-prophylaxis and psycho-correction of this addiction.

Individual psychological prerequisites for self-realization of IT specialists

The relevance of the study is due to the poor development of the problem of professional self-realization of IT specialists. The specifi city of the professional activity of this category of employees imposes special requirements on their individual psychological characteristics, which ensure the success of self-realization of specialists engaged in information and computer activities. Purpose: to identify the specifi cs of self-realization of IT professionals with diff erent individual typological features.
