Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Психология социального развития

Nurses’ ideas about the age-related evolution of the subject’s qualities: Dynamics and resources

The relevance of the study is determined the following: increase in the duration of a person’s working life and the expansion of the articulate components of its quality create a socially and psychologically signifi cant “second reality”, by which we mean subjective ideas about one’s profession, about one’s career, and about their social success. The research purpose is to study the ideas of the professional activity subjects about the age-related evolution of their qualities.

To a Problem of Differentiation of Concepts of Psychological and Subjective Well-Being of the Person

In article occurrence and functional features of concepts psychological and subjective well-being of the person are analyzed. The basic research traditions of these directions are considered. The thesis about complementarity of these concepts is put forward.

Concept of Style as Certain Way of Functioning of System

The most general law underlying a phenomenon style allocate communication between various elements of system. The style system has multilevel structure: its various hierarchical levels represent a number “subsystems” in relation to the “higher”, wider system. Thus, style acts as a certain way of functioning of system and as whole, having the structure, unity of separateness (components).

It is Theoretical Substantiation of Spontaneity-Association Method for Diagnostics of Inner Conflict Personality

There is theoretical substantiation of spontaneity-association method of diagnostics of inner conflict personality in the article. Author found on ideas of associanism and psychoanalysis. They were synthesized at methodology of an associative experiment.

Role of Other in Coping with Traumatic Stress Consequanes

The paper affirms that contemporary society’s realia predict a necessity to expand the consultive dialogue space with people who have experienced a traumatic stress to a polylogue space incorporating within itself communications and interactions with many people. It is made evident that a polylogical room is represented by means of such axes as “I myself as Other”, “I — psychologist consultant”, “I as other — intimate and significant Others”, “Other as I” and “Other as Enemy”.

Emotional Processes and Conditions in System of Dynamical Interactions of the Pupils and the Educational Environment

In article results of the theoretical analysis of a problem of emotional processes and conditions in system of interactions of the pupils and the educational environment are presented. Various approaches to research of stress and alarm in process as general interaction of the person with environment, and in interaction with the specific environment of school training are analyzed.

Professional Self-Determination: a Problem of a Method of Diagnostics and Consultation

The publication is devoted to a problem of professional self-determination, expansion of diagnostic and consulting toolkit, contains the description of a projective technique genogramm, used in psychological consultation with a view of development of professional identity of the client. The opportunity of application of a method at initial and later stages professional is shown.

The Peculiarities of the Development Sportsmen’s Intellectual Attention to Coach’s Pedagogical Iniercourse

In the article there is discussion of the problems coaches’ pedagogical intercourse and sportsmen’ attention to this form of interaction. The author shows age’s and activity’s features of development of sportsmen’ attention to content and form of coaches’ pedagogical intercourse.

Structure of Pathopsychological Syndrome that Determines Schizophrenic Defect is Analyzed from the Position of General Psychology

The structure of pathopsychological syndrome that determines schizophrenic defect is analyzed from the position of general psychology. It is shown that its indicators such as reduction of need-motive characteristics of social behavior regulation, reduction of phyche activity, voluntary process disorder, criticality deficit have their “analogues” in the structure of subjective activity regulation. The results of experimental research are represented.

Civil Identity and Formation of Civilization

In article it is shown, that one of the major resources of formation of civilization is civil identity — an element of consciousness of the person. The analysis of dynamics of expressiveness civil “self” under influence of social and economic conditions is carried out. Results comparative the subjective senses put in concept “civil identity” are considered by representatives of the various countries.
