Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Психология социального развития

About Some Social-Psychological Peculiarities of Interpersonal Communication of Students of Psychology Department

The article contains the results of empirical research in revealing of social-psychological peculiarities of interpersonal communication of students of Psychology department. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the students of Psychology department during the process of interpersonal communication use, in contrast to the students of other departments, more pliable and less conflict provoking strategies of behaviour, they are inclined to cooperate with others and ready to understand them, are willing to make a compromise.

Personality Pecularity and Values and Morality Descriptions of Managers with the Different Types of Cooperation

The business cooperating of managers of point-of-sale enterprises is in-process examined with clients, concordantly to ecological psychology approach. The exposed distinctions are described between the types of business co-operation of managers with clients and their personality properties.

Personality Сorrelates of Value Conflicts of Subject

This article is analysed results of research of connection between inner conflicts of value sphere subject and personality property. We confirm our research hypothesis about that different type of value conflicts correlation with different type а personality property.

Socially-Psychological Problems of Innovative Activity

In article it is underlined necessity of working out of the psychological theory of individual innovative activity, and also construction of model of the innovative person.

Professional Activity of the Teacher in the System of the Higher Education: the Psychological Aspect

The psychological structure of subject properties of the person in scientific and pedagogical activity, conditions of formation of the professional self-ideal of the teacher and feature of its motivation is revealed. The personal and social importance of a teaching profession of the higher school is analyzed; specificity of the professional environment, the psychological maintenance of activity and professional competences in it is considered; the functionally and levelly organization of scientific and pedagogical activity is defined.

The Transcultural Mission of Psychotherapy: what Transforms Psychology of People living in the East and the West?

The article considers a new cultural reality as a result of globalization, its perception and interpretation by the present-day personality. It looks into models that a person builds for perceiving the world, and that are obtained as a result of mixing the individualistic and collectivistic cultures of the West and the East. Various answers to the question of a possibility of mutual understanding between people of the East and the West are provided.

Representations about the Person of the Teacher in System of Professional Self-determination

In the article the results of the study the representations about the person of teacher in the aspect of the professional self-determination of the teachers of educational establishments are presented. Are revealed the types of representations, connections of the characteristics of personality with the professional identity, some characteristics of professional self-determination.  

Influence of Emotions on Informative Activity of the Younger Schoolboy

In article the researches devoted to a role of emotions in informative activity of the younger schoolboy are analyzed. Influence of emotions on processes of storing, perception, imagination and thinking is considered. It is underlined that excessive emotional conditions adversely affect informative activity of the younger schoolboy, brake and will disorganize its intellectual activity

Social-psychological Preconditions of Involving of Student’s Youth in Volunteering Activity

Process of involving of youth in сharity activity is consideredas technology of social influence in interests of construction of innovative organizational structures – volunteering generality, directed, finally, on the statement in public opinion of new social values and norms – humanism and altruism. Features of the given kind of work in relation to student’s youth are allocated. Ways of increase of efficiency of process of involving are offered due to purposeful information influence. 

The Comparative Analysis of Motives of a Choice of a Speciality, the Future Trade and Place of Work as Russian and German Students

Comparative analysis of Russian and German students’ motives of speciality, future profession and place of work choice is given. Cross-cultural differences in Russians and Germans’ motivation are shown. The differences in system of higher education are analyzed.
