Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Педагогика развития и сотрудничества

Hardware-Software Means of the Computer in Automation of Testing of Mental Abilities

In article the problem of diagnostics of intellectual development of pupils in educational activity by means of the intellectual systems based on check of mental faculties is considered. The characteristic of one of systems – system of tests of Ajzenka is given.

The Principle Humanization in the Content of Information Computer-Training in Elementary Schools

In article describes the principles of humanization in the development of teaching materials and information computer training, ergonomics towards learning, which acts as the paradise one of the foundations of computer-oriented content of information teaching, ensuring the formation of the children’s minds shaped reflection results individual learning activities.

On the Question of Pedagogical Approaches to the Concept of «Intellectual Competence»

In article attempt of ordering of some scientific positions of the domestic scientists containing separate aspects of research of concepts «competence», «competence» and «intellectual competence» is made.

Pedagogical Principles of Optimization of Students’ Life Quality in a High Educational Establishment

The paper focuses on the problem of the optimization of students’ life quality. This article gives close attention to the main concepts and suggests principles to optimizing the students’ life quality in educational process in a high educational establishment.

Motivation Features of Educational Students’ Activity – Future Teachers for Children with Impaired Development

The results of research directed on revealing on substantial and structural features of motivation of students – future teacher for children with impaired development is reported in the article. It is underlined on complex of the psychology-pedagogical conditions, allowing providing motivation of students in educational activity.

To a Question of a Professional Role of the Curator in Higher Education Institution

In article results of the analysis of essence of concept  «a coaching in higher education institution» are presented. It is noted that the coaching should be considered as irreplaceable and effective system of interaction of the teacher and students, a part of system of teaching and educational work with students.

Psychological-Pedagogical Aspects of Successful Socialization of StudentsTeenagers in the Family Type Children’s Village

The analysis of the results of research of the features and conditions of socialization of children-orphans of students-teenagers in the family type children’s village is carried out. Author’s definitions of concepts «socialization», «successful socialization», «the result of socialization», «social suitability» and «personality isolation» are resulted. The contents of the level of psychological diagnosis socialization of orphaned children are described. The author’s program «Successful socialization of adolescent students» are described.

Information Technology Means of Teaching in the Process of Contemporary Military Specialists Training

Information technology means of teaching used in the process of ecological education of the military are considered in the article. The structure, aim and some functions of the information technology means of teaching in the process of contemporary military specialists training are described.

Emotional Wellbeing of the Pupil as Problem of School Education

In article the problem of support of emotional wellbeing of the school student through the appeal to process of regulation of an actual condition of the pupil is considered. The author comes to a conclusion about possibility and need of forming of process of pedagogical regulation for borders of a field of emotional wellbeing of the school student.

The Development of Further Education of Children under Current Conditions, Based on the Approach Acmeological

In the article the acmeological aspect jf developments jf the modern sphere of supplementary education for children is examined. Special attencion is paid to the problems of personal development of supplementary educational establishments of this kind. Here discribes the role and place of tutor, by improving his professional and pedagogical competence.
