Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Педагогика развития и сотрудничества

Neurophysiological Bases of Pedagogical Accompaniment of Speech Development in Young Children

The article deals with the relationship between the work of the nervous centers responsible for language development of a child-Broca, Wernicke, associative centres and modern methods of speech development. A special role is given to the analysis of modern theoretical and practical work in the field of neurophysiology, devoted to the work of mirror neurons. Analyses the causes of violations of speech development, risk factors, which influence on the fetus during pregnancy, birth and infancy.

Refined Educational Environment: Characterizing the Phenomenon

The paper outlines the essence and types of educational environment and provides a detailed definition of refined educational space as a distinct type of educational environment. When analyzing educational environment, it is possible to use physicalistic and non-physicalistic logic. It is non-physicalistic logic that underlies this paper’s discussion of the phenomenon of refined educational environment. The paper further justifies the rationale for the research of educational environment in the context of socio-cultural environment.

Success of Socio-Psychological Adaptation of Students as Conditioned by Educational Environment Profiles

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of sociopsychological adaptation of students in the conditions of mono- (institutions of general education) and poly- (institution of supplementary education) educational environments. It pays special attention to examining how successful social and psychological adaptation of adolescents is, depending on their involvement in the educational environment of an institution of supplementary education.

The Main Spheres of Students’ Life and their Impact on Quality of Life

The paper presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the category «quality of life», which help to identify the most significant areas of students’ activities at the university and to determine their basic needs in each of the identified areas. The paper gives the author’s interpretation of the scope of meaning of the category «quality of life».

Methodology of Physical Education (Sociocultural Approach)

Based on the sociocultural approach to the study of pedagogical definitions, this paper provides the new pedagogical meaning of the sociocultural phenomenon of «physical culture» and its constituent components. Physical education objectives and outcomes were specified, as well as the category «individual physical education» was introduced. The necessity of use of several instruments in education in the field of physical culture (physical activity and solution of lifeaffirming situations) was explained.

Peculiarities of Training Students at Pedagogical Universities for Social Interaction

The article is focused on social partnership which is considered to be an integral part of quality of education. The author gives the definition of training of students at Pedagogical Universities for interaction between social partners, highlights the essence of the process under study and divulges peculiarities of training students at Pedagogical Universities for interaction between social partners.

Individual an Educational Route as the Mechanism of an Individualization of Educational Process in Establishment of Additional Education of Children

The article is devoted to the individual educational itinerary as a mechanism of individualization of the educational process in the establishment of additional education. The peculiarities of the process of individualization of the child’s personality in further education.

Actual Competences in Preparing of the Future Specialist

Professionally-cultural competence is the professionally and individually important formation which reflects the development of personal, materially-semantic, professionally-communicative and regulativeadaptive competence; the unity with universal cultural and professional knowledge, skills, experiences which is the most important factor of successfulness, mobility of the specialist from different fields.

Integration of Culturological and Competent Approach in the Educational Processes of Future Geography Teachers

This article studies the system of special professional competences of future geography teachers as a result of integration of culturological and competent approaches during the process of education. The technology of contextual education is recommended to implement integration of the given approaches during educational processes.

Pedagogical Akmeology Shustova I. Yu. Pedagogical Co-action Subjectivity of a Pupil

The pedagogical co-action is the teacher’s orientation to the activity of a pupil in the process of self-determination. The pedagogical practice within the youth subjectivity is pupil by the space of peculiar human relations, co-existent community, joint aim-and value-determined activity and reflexive consciousness. The two directions of teachers’ activity are presented: the pedagogical support and co-action by means of creating upbringing environment as an event within the atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect.
