Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Globalization and subjects’ ideas about the career: Reality, illusions, opportunities and limitations

The relevance of the research issue is due to the following: an increase in the length of a person’s working life creates a socially and personally significant ‘second reality’ that comprises the individual’s ideas about oneself, about the profession, success, etc. Purpose: to study the subject’s ideas about one’s career. Hypotheses: 1) The subject’s ideas about their career (as the evolution of professional and working life) act as regulators of the dynamics of the processes of one’s age-related professional evolution.

Manifest and latent social groups: Phenomenon, evolution, determinants. Part 2

The aim of the research is to study the features of the social environment as potential conditions for the formation, functioning and evolution of latent social groups. Hypotheses: 1) there are pre-forms of social alliances of people (which can be tentatively called latent social groups); 2) diff erent conditions of a subject’s external and internal environment (including features perceived by a person as subjectively signifi cant for them in relation to certain life goals) might be the reasons why the pre-forms appear.

Manifest and latent social groups: Phenomenon, evolution, determinants. Part 1

Objective: to study the features of the social micro- and meso-environment as potential conditions for the formation, functioning and evolution of latent social groups. Hypotheses: 1. Various conditions of the social environment are not regarded as equivalent by people (persons of diff erent genders, ages, working in diff erent fi elds of activity, having diff erent social experience, etc.). 2. The conditions of the social environment have diff erent subjective signifi cance for people and collectively represent relatively autonomous and closed social spaces.

Intraprofessional Differentiation of Subjects and Updating of Environmental Resources

The author of the article carries out an exploration for the relations of environment conditions as outsubject resources that influence the choice of the subjects of the professional sphere and the subsequent success of their implementation in the profession and in the family. The data of the article are presented by the samples of public servants (126 pers.) and managers of commercial companies (148 pers.) collected by the author’s methodology «Questionnaire “Lifestyle”».

Space and Time of Intersubjective Interactions as Resources (Research Question Outline)

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of historical trends in the evolution of space and time in work organization as a collective activity of people as its subjects. Because of changes in conditions of interactions between these subjects, new resources are generated. The paper examines possible approaches to the study of space and the effects of interactions between subjects. It identifies seven stages in the evolution of interactions between subjects of collective activities during the twentieth century.

Socio-demographic Determiners of the Temporal Characteristics of a Career

The paper focuses on the correlations between socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and their professional career temporal characteristics (PCTC) which were established using the samples of representatives of different professions (the study included 1184 people aged 30–60).

Professional Mentality as a Dynamic Structure

The article presents methodology and methods of field study on the example of studying the professional mentality (PM). Purpose of the study: Analysis of typical conditions of scientific research work (SRW), connections between methods, recorded facts and properties of psychological objects. Methods: analysis of literary sources; observation, questionnaires, expert polls, psychodiagnostics, parametric methods of statistics. Hypotheses: 1.

Professional Life: Synergetic Approach. Part 2

This article continues the series of works (2017–2019) on the problem of career (professional life). The phenomenon of “professional life” in the methodology of the synergetic approach is considered as an open, unstable system. The subject of research is age dynamics of professionalism and its components (creativity, operating style, leadership style) in subjects at the age range of 25–55.

Labour Management and Features of Business Communication Styles of Subjects (Based on the Example of Nurse Practices)

The article presents the results of study of business communication styles (BCS) of senior nurses (30 people) and nurses (135 people) at the age of 22 to 65 years old. The goal of the study is the analysis of nurses’ labor management features as a factor of their business communication styles formation.

«Vertical» Arrangement of the Space of Managers’ Business Communication Styles

The paper presents the results of a study of «vertical» arrangement of the space of business communication between managers of a business company. Using the Business Communication Styles research technique (BCS), this study examined the preferences of style components, as reflected in three concepts («I», my style; style features of a subjectively suitable leader; style features of a subjectively suitable subordinate).