Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Tolochek V. A. Professional Life: Synergetic Approach. Part 2. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 126-139. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2020-9-2-126-139

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Professional Life: Synergetic Approach. Part 2

Tolochek Vladimir A., Institute of Psychology RAS

This article continues the series of works (2017–2019) on the problem of career (professional life). The phenomenon of “professional life” in the methodology of the synergetic approach is considered as an open, unstable system. The subject of research is age dynamics of professionalism and its components (creativity, operating style, leadership style) in subjects at the age range of 25–55. The research methods are: historical and theoretical analysis; quasimeasurements (subjects were asked to evaluate the dynamics of their professionalism and its components on a 9-point scale – from 0 to 8 points in different age periods – both passed, lived, i.e., from 25 years to the actual age of the subjects, and predicted, expected changes in the future, i.e. up to 55 years); methods of parametric statistics. The sample consisted of civil servants (228 people) at the age range of 30–54 (M = 40.4; SD = 5.7), of men (132 people) and women (96 people) with 2–37 years of work experience (M = 18.2; SD = 6.6), holding positions from average executives to the Deputy Minister. In the process of analysis, the sample was repeatedly divided into subgroups according to various criteria (men / women; top managers / specialists; successful in the family sphere / not successful). The results of the study confirmed working hypotheses and gave empirical grounds for highlighting ten new aspects of career problem (age-related evolution of a person; heterochronism and unevenness of development; differences among different social groups; chronological “breaking points” and three phases of evolution of psychological systems; role of social attitudes, etc.). The main conclusions are: 1) The dynamics of the professional becoming of subjects (PBS) is characterized by microstadiality throughout the entire professional life. The professional life as an open, unstable system is exposed to various factors of the external and internal environment of the subjects. The dynamics of the PBS is extremely variable and characterized by periodic changes in many psychological structures; it is different among representatives of different social groups; the conditions of the social micro- and mesic environment in combination with personal characteristics direct the processes of evolution of professionalism and its components in an particular (and not determinate) way. 2) The methodology for studying the professional life should be developed taking into account features of historically evolving fragments of social reality. 3) The method of quasi-measurements in the study of the professional becoming of subjects can be considered adequate to the object and subject of the research, allowing to solve a number of important scientific and applied problems. The results of quasi-measurements are consistent with the literature, data from psychological tests and questionnaires.


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