Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Суверенность психологического пространства личности в учебных группах полузакрытого типа (на примере кадетов и курсантов)

Статья посвящена анализу суверенности психологического пространства личности и ее связей с индивидуальным опытом, ценностными ориентациями личности, сплоченностью и атмосферой коллектива, обучающихся в полузакрытых учебных группах. Суверенность как показатель психологических границ личности и переживания их безопасности позволяет расширить представления о развитии личности и ее отношений в условиях специализированной организационно-образовательной среды.

Intersexual Differences in the Ratio of Semantic Characteristics of “Family” and “Social Success” Values at Youthful Age

The paper addresses the problem of personal self-determination, the formation of the semantic concept system “family” and “social success”. Describes the qualitative differences between these concepts of boys and girls in two groups with different levels of completeness, the self-determination.

The Role of Family in Professional Self-Determination of Psychology Students

The article presents pilot empirical research data regarding the role of family in professional self-determination of psychology stu­dents. The study was carried out on a sample of students (n = 28, 19–21 years old) with application of psychological and diagnostic toolset: I. L. Solomin’ «Orientation» questionnaire; S. A. Pakulina and S. M. Ketko’s questionnaire called «Motivation of students’ learning»; questionnaire with retrospective analysis of motives for choosing fu­ture profession.

Peculiarities of Parent-Child Relations in Families Raising a Child with Disabilities

The article deals with the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the problem of parent-child relations in families raising children with disabilities. Main trends in the development of parent-child relations in a family where child has psychophysical development disorders were determined based on the qualitative analysis of the data available in scientific literature. The empirical study of parent-child relations in families raising mentally challenged children was carried out to confirm theoretical conclusions of the study issue.

Family as a Factor Successful Adaptation of Adolescents in Inclusive Education

The article presents data of the study of life scripts and adaptive capabilities of adolescents enrolled in an inclusive educational institution. This work represents the results of research carried out on a representative sample of students (Ulyanovsk; N = 98, age 12–17 years) with the use of diagnostic tools: diagnostic technique of social – psychological adaptation of С. Rogers and P. Diamond; technique «Essay » adapted by the author. The differences of socio-psychological adjustment between adolescents with different life scenarios.

Family Group Logopedic Psychotherapy as a Model of Socio-Rehabilitational System

The article presents the data of theoretical analysis related to problems of stutter (logoneurosis) as one of the extreme forms of conversation disturbances; it presents characteristics of people who stutter and their families, peculiarities of therapy for this defect. The article touches upon the problem of family involvement into the process of social rehabilitation. It is shown that utilization of non-traditional methods, such as: Yu. B.

Image of Maternity and Paternity and Parental Attitudes in the Youth

The article analyzes theoretical approaches to understanding the process of the development of image of parenthood. It reveals the gender differences in the ideas of maternity and paternity, and also in parental mindset and expectations. The research sample group consisted of 60 respondents (30 young men and 30 girls age 20- 24 years). The complex of methods has been used: modified version of diagnostic method for interpersonal relationships by T. Leary, adapted by L. N. Sobchik modified by R. V. Ovcharova, PARI method by E. S. Sheffer and R. K. Bell adapted by T. V.

Life-Purpose Orientations of Spouses from the Migrant Workers’ Families Under Conditions of Long-Term Separation

The article presents the results of the empirical research of life-pur­pose orientations, gained from the sample of work migrant and non-migrant families’ spouses (N = 329) selected with D. A. Leontyev’s method.

Identity and Satisfaction with Marriage in Married Families

The article analyzes the theoretical approaches to understanding problems of family identity. The author discovered the dependence of well-being in the marriage from which the identity (personal or family) exists in humans. The sample consisted of 40 respondents (20 childless families with experience of 1 month - 3 years and 20 families with children with experience of 18-23 years). The use of complex techniques - «test questionnaire satisfaction with marriage» (Stolin) and «Who am I?» (M. Kuhn, T.

Predictors of Successful Marriage as Perceived by Mixed-age Groups Representatives

The article presents theoretical analysis of the problem regarding determination of successful marriage factors in the modern society. It identifies psychological peculiarities of perceptions regarding reasons of successful marriage in teenagers and adults. The study considers their differences and similarities. The study was carried out on the sample of (n = 30) people with various social and age characteristics.
