Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

образовательная среда

Особенности сотрудничества учащихся начальной школы в зависимости от характеристик образовательной среды

Актуальность исследования обусловлена требованиями ФГОС начального общего образования, в которых зафиксированы метапредметные образовательные результаты, включающие овладение такими навыками сотрудничества, как: определение цели совместной деятельности и путей ее достижения, распределение ролей, взаимный контроль, оценка собственного поведения и поведения окружающих, конструктивное разрешение конфликтов. Цель: определение характеристик образовательной среды, в которой учащиеся демонстрируют высокий уровень навыков сотрудничества.

Influence of the Research Activity on the Students Self-Affirmation

This article analyzes the conditions as well as goals and objectives for the research activity within the learning process in a secondary school. Author examines research activity as a means of students’ self-affirmation and notes its positive impact.

Emotional Processes and Conditions in System of Dynamical Interactions of the Pupils and the Educational Environment

In article results of the theoretical analysis of a problem of emotional processes and conditions in system of interactions of the pupils and the educational environment are presented. Various approaches to research of stress and alarm in process as general interaction of the person with environment, and in interaction with the specific environment of school training are analyzed.

The Concept of “Educational Environment” and Models of Educational Media in the Modern National Educational Psychology

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of understanding the educational environment in modern psychology. Different approaches to the definition of the concept and construction of models of educational environments. The author’s definition of the educational environment and interactions with her pupils.

The Main Characteristics of the Environmental Approach to primary Ecological Education

The concept of environment is far from being a novelty in pedagogy. Along with this, at the present stage of the development of the environmental approach the following issues are actual: is the environmental approach a unity of qualitatively specific pedagogical principles alien to other approaches or does it present one of the educational technologies or its element (factor, resource or a means)?

Perception of risks connected with rest in summer children's camp by teenagers and parents

The article substantiates that children's summer camp can be considered as an object of high risk. The risks meeting in its educational environment are considered. The author presents experimental research materials on revealing of features of perception of the risks connected with summer children's camp, teenagers and parents.

Aggression of the teacher as the factor of psychological risk in the educational environment

In article the psychological essence of the educational environment is considered, necessity of maintenance of her safety which corresponds with a category of psychological violence, destructive for mental health as teachers, and pupils is marked. The description of school psychological risks and their factors to which number aggression of the teacher concerns also is given. Results of empirical research of displays of aggression are analyzed on the part of teachers, forms of these displays, the basic types are considered.

Methodology for the Evaluation of Risks Ecopsychological Inconsistencies in the System of Pupil Interactions and Learning Environment

The article describes the methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical study of risks of suboptimal pupil interactions and learning environment from the standpoint of environmental psychology.

Educational environment of the higher theological school: Challenges and solutions

Since theological seminaries have become a part of the educational system of the Russian Federation, they are now subject to state licensing and have to gain accreditation. This requires a revision of means and effective educational principles in the higher theological school. In this regard, the issue of the educational environment development contributes to a rethink of developmental strategies and helps to determine new ones. Moreover, it stimulates the search for additional interaction forms of the teachers and students.
