Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Shamionov R. M., Sorokin A. I. The Role of Military Identity, Values and Satisfaction with the Military Service in Responsibility Formation of Cadets. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 25-32. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2020-9-1-25-32

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The Role of Military Identity, Values and Satisfaction with the Military Service in Responsibility Formation of Cadets

Shamionov Rail M., Saratov State University
Sorokin Alexey I., Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

The study of the role of socio-psychological characteristics, which emerge in the process of socialization, in the formation of a responsible attitude of cadets to the military service activities, is an important task of social psychology. The responsibility of the military provides for the successful implementation of their professional activities and stability of the state and society. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study the role of military identity and satisfaction with the military service in responsibility formation of cadets, identify their direct and indirect effects. The study involved 265 cadets of the Military Institute of the Russian Guard of the Russian Federation. Methods. We used the Kuhn-MacPartland “Who Am I?” technique for assessing the social and role-based military identity, the author’s technique aimed at assessing personal military identity and responsible attitude to military service activities, and a modified version of “The level of social frustration” technique by L. I. Wasserman. To determine the degree of value areas, we used the technique of S. Schwartz. Data processing was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics and PS IMAGO PRO programs, including a modeling tool based on SEM, AMOS-25. We established the interconnections between general and personal responsibility and the social role-based and personal identity of cadets, as well as the values of preservation and self-determination of the social focus and the values of openness to changes in the personal focus. Using the structural modeling method, we revealed the direct and indirect effects of age, social role-based and personal military identity, satisfaction with the military service, and preservation values of personal, institutional and collective responsibility and internality. With these variables, the model explains up to 33% of variations in personal responsibility, 16% of internality and 24% of variations in personal military identity


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