Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

For citation:

Nikitenko P. D. The Relationship of Social Representations about the World and Life Orientations in Different Conditions of Socialization of Young People. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2013, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 250-257. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2013-2-3-250-257

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The Relationship of Social Representations about the World and Life Orientations in Different Conditions of Socialization of Young People

Nikitenko Paul D., Institute of Social Education (branch) of the Russian State Social University in Saratov

The features of the system-diachronic approach to the analysis of the various conditions of socialization. Presented by the study of social representations about the world and life orientations in different conditions of socialization of young people. Good prospects for the study of social representations about the world and life orientations, depending on the conditions of socialization. Identified and described nuclear components influence life orientations to represent the youth of the world. Revealed significant differences in social perceptions about the world and life orientations, depending on the favorable / unfavorable conditions of socialization of young people. Applied aspect of the research problem can be implemented in practice, psychological counseling services, as well as the development of social programs to optimize the process of socialization of young people.


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