For citation:
Selezneva M. V. Acmeological Approach to Analysis of Achievements of University Teachers Professional Activity. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. 4, iss. 1, pp. 5-8. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2015-4-1-5-8
Acmeological Approach to Analysis of Achievements of University Teachers Professional Activity
The article demonstrates the possibility of investigating professional achievements of teachers of foreign languages of military university in their pedagogical activity by studying the results of their scientific activity by means of content-analysis method. As empiric materials 92 scientific publications of 49 teachers with the term of service from 3 to 48 years have been used. The authors considered the depend- ence of the text of publications on teachers' personality and their teaching peculiarities. By means of theoretical acmeological model (A. A. Derkach) the researchers developed a personality-professional model of development for Humanity teachers of a military university. With the help of correlational analysis of the model components the authors have found the correlates of effectiveness and success of pedagogical activity. An applied aspect of the investigated problem can be put to practice in the system of advanced training for university teaching staff.
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