Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

социальные представления

Globalization and subjects’ ideas about the career: Reality, illusions, opportunities and limitations

The relevance of the research issue is due to the following: an increase in the length of a person’s working life creates a socially and personally significant ‘second reality’ that comprises the individual’s ideas about oneself, about the profession, success, etc. Purpose: to study the subject’s ideas about one’s career. Hypotheses: 1) The subject’s ideas about their career (as the evolution of professional and working life) act as regulators of the dynamics of the processes of one’s age-related professional evolution.

Interrelation of Social Representations about Envy and Self-Actualisation of the Person of the Student

Given article is devoted research of social representations about envy and self-actualisation of the person of the student. The description of empirical research of representations about essencethe nature and the reasons of envy depending on level of self-actualisation of the personis given. 

Выявление феномена когнитивной полифазии о психическом нездоровье посредством проективной методики «Бабблз»

В статье рассматриваются результаты применения проективной методики «Бабблз» в исследовании социальных репрезентаций о психическом нездоровье. Цель исследования: выявление противоречивости социальных представлений о психическом нездоровье. Гипотеза исследования: социальные представления респондентов о психическом нездоровье характеризуются двойственностью.

Peculiarities of Interrelation between Social Views on Profession and Self-actualization of Students’ Personality

The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies of peculiarities of interrelation between modern students’ social views on profession and the level and various meaningful characteristics of their self-actualization. The article shows that personal self-actualiza­tion in profession can be viewed from the point of view of theory of social views, which allows to take into consideration the socio-cultural context. The article reveals the interrelation between social views on profession and dynamics of students’ self-actualization.

Social Perseptions of Stress in Different Age Groups

We present a study of social perceptions of stress. The empirical base of the study was 80 people. Social perseptions of stress have been studied with the help of author questionnaires, the main method of study was content analysis. The study found out that the understanding and preception of stress is ambivalent. Priority social perceptions of stress are such categories as 'experiences' and 'emotional excitement'.

Modern Socio-Political Phenomena in Perception of Different Age Groups

The study demonstrates theoretical grounds of the study of representation of socio-political phenomena and problems among representatives of different ethnic groups.

Social Views of the Youth Concerning Drug Problem under Various Socialization Conditions

The article presents theoretical analysis of peculiarities of social views concerning the drug problem in the process of socialization in high school students. The article views modern approaches to studying social views and personal socialization, analyzes their structures and functions. It shows the perspective for studying social views concerning the drug problem in relation to socialization aspects of youth’s personality.

Interconnection between Characteristics of Subjective Well-being and Ideas about Risk in Representatives of Ethnic Groups

The article presents results of theoretical and empirical study on interconnection between ideas about risk and characteristics about subjective well-being in representatives of various ethnic groups: Volga Germans and Russians (n = 170 people, 90 males and 80 females aged 18 to 55 y.o.). utilization of M. V.

The Relationship of Social Representations about the World and Life Orientations in Different Conditions of Socialization of Young People

The features of the system-diachronic approach to the analysis of the various conditions of socialization. Presented by the study of social representations about the world and life orientations in different conditions of socialization of young people. Good prospects for the study of social representations about the world and life orientations, depending on the conditions of socialization. Identified and described nuclear components influence life orientations to represent the youth of the world.

Valuable Preferences of Youth in Representations of Various Social Groups

The paper analyzes the results of an empirical research of value preferences of young people in the representation of different social groups: students and teachers in secondary schools.
