Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Arendachuk I. V. Activity Characteristics of Social Activity in Young People Belonging to Different Age Groups. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 148-161. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2020-9-2-148-161

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Activity Characteristics of Social Activity in Young People Belonging to Different Age Groups

Arendachuk Irina V., Saratov State University

The relevance of the study is associated with insufficient information regarding forms of social activity of an individual taken in conjunction with characteristics of their respective activities and features of manifestation of this relationship in young people belonging to different age groups. Its goal is to identify the most typical areas of manifestation of young people’s social activity considering age development dynamics in relation to characteristics of the activities carried out within them. The sample of the study (n = 189; 42% of young men and 58% of young women ) was divided into three groups (via cross sections): young people aged 15–17 (n = 77; students of schools and colleges); young people aged 18–21 (n = 62; university students); and young people aged 22-25 (n = 50; working youth). The methodological toolset contained a unique questionnaire developed by the author; its reliability was confirmed by statistical criteria, i.e. Cronbach’s alpha (0.967); standardized alpha (0.968); average correlation between positions (0.694). It is shown that regardless of age, the main spheres of social activity manifestation in young people are leisure, Internet-network and educational-developmental spheres. The largest number of sample representatives is involved in these spheres of life, and it is in them that a pronounced manifestation of major activity characteristics is observed. It has been established that age is a factor determining manifestation of activity characteristics of social activity (content of activity, responsibility to oneself, striving for success and self-affirmation, overcoming doubts and fears, meeting the requirements of the society) in its altruistic, civil, subcultural, protest and radical protest forms. It was revealed that at the age of 15–17 social activity is manifested through more forms of social activity, which are aimed at socially-oriented activities (process and content of activities, meeting the requirements of the society, manifestation of personal responsibility). At the age of 18–21, the number of forms of social activity that are relevant for young people of this group is somewhat reduced and is generally focused on personal preferences and self-development. At the age of 22–25, the tendency to decrease is preserved, and social activity is aimed at carrying out activities to satisfy one’s personal needs and interests. This tendency is also noticeable in the interrelation of social activity forms and their corresponding activity characteristics: by the age of 22–25, the number of forms of social activity decreases, but their dependence on the involvement in the activity increases. The results of the study can be used in the organization of different types of socially useful activities for young people with consideration of their age characteristics.


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