Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

For citation:

Tolochek V. A. “Acme”: Space and Time of Manifestation of the Phenomenon. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. 6, iss. 3, pp. 204-213. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2017-6-3-204-213

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“Acme”: Space and Time of Manifestation of the Phenomenon

Tolochek Vladimir A., Institute of Psychology RAS

The article discusses the content of the phenomenon of “acme”, it identifies “open questions”, the lack of answers to which hinders its study (temporal parameters of acme, the degree and nature of integration of human qualities, uniqueness and stability of mental structures, the role of environment and the nature of involvement of human activity in the activities of social groups, etc.). The purpose of the article is to raise questions of searching for and identifying spatial and temporal parameters of how the phenomenon of “acme” is manifested. Based on a critical analysis of scientific and fictional literature, this study examined such key aspects of acme as: 1) integration of the “inner conditions” of a person and environmental conditions (integration of intrasubject, intersubject, and extra-subject resources); 2) temporal determinants of the state of “acme”: temporal parameters of integration of intersubjective resources, determinants of structures of mental states, unrepeatability of structures of mental states, ambivalence of a person’s social experience. This study draws attention to the pronounced dynamism of the mental structures formed in a person, their subordination/orientation to the nature of forthcoming activities and tasks to be solved, to the dynamics of the situation of an activity; to the participation of a person in activities of different social groups, with his/her fulfillment of completely definite social roles and specific functions; to the interrelations of such differentiation of a person’s social activity of and his/her social success; to the differences in the conditions of the social macro, meso-, and microenvironment in regard to their effect on different people; to the reality of the forms of manifestation, or the stages, of “microacme” and “mesoacme”, and non-obviousness or rarity of “macroacme” stages; to the fundamental non-repeatability of the synergy of activity, activities, personal characteristics of people included in social groups, etc. The article proposes variants of programs of further study of that phenomenon, conventionally defined as a resource approach and a differential approach.


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