Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Возрастно-половые факторы проявлений подросткового кризиса

Актуальность исследования обусловлена расширением спектра траекторий взросления у современных подростков и необходимостью дифференцированного подхода к изучению возрастно-половых закономерностей протекания подросткового кризиса. Цель: выявление возрастно-половых факторов проявлений подросткового кризиса. Гипотезы: 1) Проявления подросткового кризиса у современных подростков отмечаются уже с 10-11 лет, при этом критическая фаза приходится на возраст 13-14 лет, т.е.

Social and cultural practices as a means of self-actualization of students of the supplementary education institutions

The relevance of the work is determined by the insuffi cient previous study of the infl uence of socio-cultural practices on the selfactualization of students of the supplementary education institutions. The purpose of the research is to study the infl uence of socio-cultural practices on the self-actualization of students of the supplementary education institutions. Hypothesis: participation of students in sociocultural practices will contribute to their self-actualization. The study sample was formed by adolescents aged 12–18.

Impact of sociometric status on adolescent role identity

The impact of digitalization on the process of personality socialization, a person’s involvement in various social networks create an opportunity for an individual to play a large number of roles without their eff ective integration into one’s cluster of roles. At the same time, the media often highlight the importance of role patterns in facilitating successful inclusion of adolescents in the social environment. However, over the past ten years, the number of scientifi c papers related to the study of role patterns has decreased signifi cantly.

Family as a Factor Successful Adaptation of Adolescents in Inclusive Education

The article presents data of the study of life scripts and adaptive capabilities of adolescents enrolled in an inclusive educational institution. This work represents the results of research carried out on a representative sample of students (Ulyanovsk; N = 98, age 12–17 years) with the use of diagnostic tools: diagnostic technique of social – psychological adaptation of С. Rogers and P. Diamond; technique «Essay » adapted by the author. The differences of socio-psychological adjustment between adolescents with different life scenarios.

Difficult Real-Life Situations from the Position of Modern School Children: Content and Overcoming

The article presents results of an empiric research of the psychological content of difficult real-life situations and ways of overcoming them from the position of modern school children. Constructive and non-constructive ways of overcoming life difficulties are singled out; the article also discusses age-related and individual specific behavior of teenagers in difficult situations.

Safety Assessment of the Educational Environment, Antisocial Behavior, Systems and Support in Opinion of City and Rural Schoolchildren of Orenburg Region

The paper describes an empirical study of social representations of teenagers from rural and urban schools. A comparative survey of opinions of schoolchildren about the security of the educational environment is presented, the causes and manifestations of antisocial behavior, value orientations, psychological support system.

Behavior of adolescents in the digital educational environment: Definition of concepts and formulation of the problem

The relevance of the problem of adolescent behavior in the digital educational environment is conditioned by acceleration of education digitalization processes, which participate in the formation of a new type of behavior, i.e. digital behavior, that is defined as a system of actions associated with the use of the digital environment. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the current state of this problem and outline the prospects for its further study on the basis of the analysis and generalization of Russian and foreign sources.

Comparative Analysis of Behavior Self-Management and Self-Regulation in Adolescents with Different Levels of Autonomy

The article presents the results of a study in the formation of the ability to self-manage and self-regulate behavior in adolescents with different levels of autonomy (N = 117, aged 13–15), performed with the use of the following psychodiagnostic instruments: Autonomy- Dependence Questionnaire (G. S. Prygin), Style Self-Regulation of Human Behavior (V. I. Morosanova), and Self-Management Ability (N. M. Peisakhov).