Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

ценностные ориентации

Psychological prevention of social media addiction as a factor in the development of agency

The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that implementing timely psychological prevention of social media addiction, while taking into account age-specifi c characteristics, creates conditions for a person to develop agency that can regulate their behavior in online communication based on universal human values aligned with the cultural and moral values of the Russian society. The research objective is to identify the psychological factors that contribute to the development of agency in young people who are highly addicted to social media.

Психологическая профилактика зависимости от социальных сетей как фактор формирования созидательной субъектности личности

Актуальность. Осуществление своевременной психологической профилактики зависимости от социальных сетей с учетом возрастных особенностей, способно создать условия для формирования и развития созидательной субъектности личности, которая позволяет осуществлять оптимальную регуляцию собственного поведения в условиях интернет-общения на основе доминирования общечеловеческих ценностей и ценностных ориентаций, характерных для культурных и нравственных основ российского общества.

Interrelation of Valuable Orientations of the Person and its Propensity to Envy

The article contains the results of empirical research in revealing of inter-functional communications of the value orientations with the general level of own envy, with envy to purchases, achievements, qualities (in 17 subjects). It points out four groups of values depending on the character of interrelations of significant/accessible values with envy. The interrelation between a mismatch indicator in motivational-personal sphere and envy is found out.

Valuable Orientations of Women of Russia during the Various Historical Periods

This article is considered change of a set of valuable orientations and social installations of women of Russia during the various historical periods. This article says about influence of social conditions on formation of system of valuable orientations of women. We say that the description of dynamics of becoming and development of new social mentality of women of Russia.

Psychological portrait of the modern studen’ s person (a regional sight)

This article is considered a certain cut of a student's life, during all period of the training in the high school to understand a problems of a student's life from the point of view of students, and also «to see» a portrait of the modern student: their vital purposes and values, their ideals and priorities, the attitude to the various parties of a modern life.

Forming of Value Orientations in Theatrized Activity of Teenagers

The article dwells upon the impact of the “theatrized” (the author’s term) activity on the forming of teenagers’ value orientations. Theatrized activity is being analyzed on the basis of the concept of active education. As the factors of forming of value orientations, we take into consideration the sources of value orientations, included into all of the “layers” of the teenagers — teachers’ interaction in process of the theatrized preparation.

Development of Ethno-cultural Tolerance in Adolescents under Conditions of General Educational Process

The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of the problem of development of ethno-cultural tolerance in adolescents under conditions of an educational process. It is shown that ethno-cultural tolerance is one of the major value-related orientations of adolescents. It describes context- and process-related characteristics of formation of ethnical tolerance of a personality in adolescence. The author singles our principles, major methods and forms of its development under conditions of general educational process.

The main results of application of an author's technique «20 000 days» (game imitating procedure) are stated during work with various

It is shown that the problem of definition of hierarchy of valuable orientations has universal character in various cultures. The applied aspect of a studied problem can be realized in diagnostic and in developing work of the social psychologist.

Pecularities of Axiological Orientations and Social Attitudes of Adolescents Prone to Suicidal Behavior

The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of the system of values and social attitudes of adolescents that are prone to suicidal behavior. The conceptual foundation for studying interconnection between axiological orientation and social attitudes is disposition system of a personality.

Peculiarities of Professional Self-Determination of Students at the Stage of Preparation for Subject Oriented Training

The relevance of the study is determined by the need of scientificallybased programs of psychological and pedagogical support for students of general education schools under the conditions of subject oriented pre-training. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of students’ professional self-determination at the stage of completion the basic general education and preparation for subject oriented training.
