For citation:
Bocharova E. E. Structural Organization of Personal Self-Regulation in Correlation with Student’s Success in Educational Activity. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2013, vol. 2, iss. 2, pp. 177-183. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2013-2-2-177-183
Structural Organization of Personal Self-Regulation in Correlation with Student’s Success in Educational Activity
The article shows the data of the empiric research of structural organization of personal self-regulation in correlation with student’s success in educational activity. It presents understanding of selfregulation as system-organized process of internal human activity of initiation, maintenance and regulation of different forms of voluntary activity in achieving of goals accepted by a person (O. S. Konopkin, V. I. Morosanova, G. S. Prygin and others). The research is made proportionally to selected sample of 30 people (second year students of Higher Professional Institutions (17–18 years old) of the city of Saratov), differed by the level of academic achievement in educational activity (N = 60 people). The use of different methods such as multiscale questionary method of V. I. Morosanova “Style of behavior self-regulation”; method for diagnostics of educational motivation of students (A. A. Rean and V. A. Yakunin, modification of N. Tc. Badmaeva); methods of comparative and correlation analyses in complex makes it possible to detect significant differences both in the structural organization of self-regulation and in the structure of inter-functional connections of self-regulation and educational motivation. The author shows that in the sample of “successful” students goal-setting is largely connected with educational cognitive, social motives, motives of prestige; and it is less connected with the motives of creative self-regulation. In the sample of the “unsuccessful” – goal-setting is connected primarily with the motives of failure avoidance; the article marks the fact of the presence of “motivation of well-being”, that is seen in the will to receive an approval from teachers, parents and friends (effect of the “positive reinforcement”). The applied aspect of the problem being investigated can be realized in consulting practice of psychological services of educational institutions.
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