For citation:
Klenova M. A. Level of Trust and Risky Behavior Motivation in Representatives of the Youth Emo Subculture Group. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2014, vol. 3, iss. 2, pp. 160-163. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2014-3-2-160-163
Level of Trust and Risky Behavior Motivation in Representatives of the Youth Emo Subculture Group
The article presents theoretical analysis of the problem of the interrelation of notions «risk», «trust», and «risk motivation». It presents the perspective of social and psychological study of subculture representatives’ peculiarities; subculture group «emo» is taken as an example. Utilization of psychological and diagnostic tools («Express-scale of trust» M. Rosenberg, original questionnaire for studying expression of risk motivation) on a sample of teenagers, who belong to some subculture, allowed todetermine, that the level of trust in this group is very low. The level of trust is connected with motives of risk for the sake of love and interest. Applied aspect of the problem under study can be realized by teachers-psychologists of educational institutions for diagnostics and correction of social and psychological peculiarities, particularly the level of trust, in the environment of teenagers that belong to some subculture.
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