Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Konstantinov V. V., Putilova N. V. Correlation of social frustration and basic beliefs, the personality traits, subjective control of servicemen of the National Guard of Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2024, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 151-159. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2024-13-2-151-159, EDN: ASSDNA

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Correlation of social frustration and basic beliefs, the personality traits, subjective control of servicemen of the National Guard of Russia

Konstantinov Vsevolod V., Penza State University
Putilova Natalya V., Penza State University

The study of the transformation of foreign students’ personal and social identity under conditions of adaptation to university education is relevant due to the expansion of educational migration policy in Russia. It is determined by the necessity to accompany the process of foreign students’ adaptation to a new socio-cultural environment. Purpose: to study the transformation of the identity characteristics of foreign students. Hypothesis: there is a transformation of the identity characteristics of foreign students who are included in the multicultural environment of the university. Participants: international students (n = 620) (Bachelor’s degree, majoring in engineering, Penza State University: zero measurement (n = 620), subsequent academic years (n = 406), males n = 285, females n = 121; aged 18 to 26 (M = 20.3, SD = 2.9); Tajiks – n = 217, males n = 128, females n = 89; Kyrgyz n = 189, males n = 159, females n = 32. Methods (tools): the Aspects of Identity Questionnaire (AIQ-IV) (J. M. Cheek) was used to fi x the identity characteristics; Berzonsky’s Identity Style Inventory (as adapted by E. P. Belinskaya, I. D. Bronina) was used to measure the dynamics of identity styles. Results: as foreign students are getting adapted, there is a gradual transition from the dominance of social types of identity to personal identity; there is also the formation of sustainable ways and means to achieve the identity of foreign students in the conditions of personal self-determination and social integration of the individual. Main conclusions: the stage of the migration cycle aff ects the ratio of the identity characteristics of foreign students. Practical signifi cance: the results can be taken into account when developing adaptation programs for international students.

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