Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

психологическая защита

Mechanisms of psychological defense and its dominant communication strategies in high school students and first-year students

The study of psychological defense mechanisms is relevant due to their signifi cance in the development of personality self-regulation as well as their importance in teaching and personal development of high school students and university students. The objective of the study is to identify and compare the features of psychological defense and its dominant communication strategies in high school students and fi rst-year students. The theoretical analysis of the problem showed that it is insuffi ciently studied.

Механизмы психологической защиты и ее доминирующие стратегии в общении у старшеклассников и студентов-первокурсников

Проведенное исследование описывает особенности психологической защиты и доминирующих стратегий в общении старшеклассников и студентов-первокурсников. С помощью методики «Индекс жизненного стиля» («Life Style Index») Р. Плутчика, Г. Келлермана, Х. Р. Конте и методики В. В. Бойко «Диагностика доминирующей стратегии психологической защиты в общении» представлены ведущие типы психологической защиты в юношеском возрасте, в также изучены стратегии психологической защиты у старшеклассников и студентов (N=150).

Psychological and Acmeological Factors of Individual Psychological Protection while Preparing for Motherhood

The research attempts to identify the main acmeological factors of personal psychological defence mechanisms affecting the aetiology of female infertility and the effective restoration and preservation of reproductive women’s health. The article investigates the theoretical results of Russian and foreign studies and analyses the initial data collected by the author serving as the basis for drawing further conclusions. The paper is focused on the study and description of the mechanisms of psychological protection of women suffering from infertility.

Analysis of Tendencies Related to Educators’ Choice of Protective and Coping Behaviour Strategies

Urgency of the study of coping and protective strategies peculiarities in educators is conditioned by the presence of negative and unsafe behavioral manifestations related to complicated stressful situations in their professional activity and everyday life. The purpose of the study is to investigate and analyse preference tendencies regarding protective and coping strategies in the behaviour of educators at various stages of professional development.