Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

For citation:

Kalinina N. V. Social and Psychological Difficulties of Adaptation with the Schoolchildren in Inclusive Educational Environment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2014, vol. 3, iss. 4, pp. 355-358. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2014-3-4-355-358

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Social and Psychological Difficulties of Adaptation with the Schoolchildren in Inclusive Educational Environment

Kalinina Natal'ya V., Ulyanovsk State University

The article presents the results of research on peculiarities of adapta­tion in the physically challenged schoolchildren in inclusive education­al environment. The study shows that schoolchildren adaptation in the inclusive educational environment has specific social and psychologi­cal difficulties. Physically challenged children show decreased level of social and psychological adaptation and chose non-constructive adaptational strategies for coping with failures. The author points out that the adaptational difficulties are connected with the peculiarities of members of environment interaction. Interaction is directed towards preserving the passive position of a student which contradicts the core idea of inclusive education aimed at encouraging social adapta­tion of physically challenged people, and at creating the necessary conditions for self-realization in society. The article gives grounding to the necessity and opportunity of organizing the members interaction with the inclusive educational environment aimed at development of adaptational resources.


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