Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

For citation:

Belousova A. A., Krishchenko E. P., Tushnova Y. A. Motivational Sphere Peculiarities in Students Applying to Study at Sports Educational Institutions. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 3, pp. 247-255. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2019-8-3-247-255

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Motivational Sphere Peculiarities in Students Applying to Study at Sports Educational Institutions

Belousova Alla A., Don State Technical University
Krishchenko Elena P., South Federal University
Tushnova Yuliya A., Don State Technical University

The relevance of the study of motivational sphere in students applying to study at sports educational institutions is determined by understanding of sports activities motive as an adaptation factor (M. A. Kuzmin), as well as the significance of motivation formation precisely at the stage of specialization as a professional athlete (E. Ilyin). The purpose of the study was to investigate the characteristics of motivational sphere in students applying to study at a sports educational institution. We tested the following hypotheses within the empirical study: conscious and basic motives of students applying to study at sports institutions can be equally distributed, thus, forming a comprehensive motivation for playing sports, while motives for sporting activities may be unequally distributed, thus, forming groups of motives of different degrees. The study was carried out on a sample of applicants (N = 133) (40.6% – girls) entering a course with various sports specializations, average age 14.14 ± 1.06 years. We carried out content analysis of the mini-essay “Why I Chose Sport” to study conscious motives for playing sports. We used the “Paired comparisons technique” by V. V. Skvortsov (modified by I. A. Akindinova) to study basic and sporting motives, as well as the technique called “The Study of Motives for Playing Sports” by I. V. Tropnikov. The motivational profile of an applicant for an educational institution for training athletes has been built. We established the groups with main motives for playing sports. Among them are status (increase of prestige, desire for fame), personal motives (character development, aesthetic pleasure, improvement of health and well-being, acquisition of useful knowledge and skills), and social motives (collectivist orientation, communication, wealth). It has been shown that the motives for playing sports are consistent with the conscious motives, where the leading ones are personal motives, and the additional ones are professional and status motives. The above-listed groups of motives are based on general motivational trends, where the leading group consists of the need for self-realization and recognition.


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