Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Vasilenko V. E., Sergunicheva N. А. Family Interaction Parameters in Preschoolers with Different Levels of Interpersonal Emotional Competence. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 58-68. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2020-9-1-58-68

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Family Interaction Parameters in Preschoolers with Different Levels of Interpersonal Emotional Competence

Vasilenko Viktoria E., Saint Petersburg University
Sergunicheva Nadezhda А., Center for Social Rehabilitation and Speech Development “Otherwise”

The purpose of the study presented in the article is a comparative analysis of family interaction in families of senior preschoolers with different levels of interpersonal emotional competence (including identification of emotions, empathy and expression). Presumably, mothers in families of preschoolers with high interpersonal emotional competence have a greater maturity of parenting stylistic characteristics, and, therefore, we can observe a more successful pattern of mothers’ emotional interaction with children and optimal parameters of family adaptation and cohesion. At the same time, compensatory mechanisms are possible in the formation of interpersonal emotional competence. The sample consisted of 160 people: 80 preschoolers (5–6 years old, 38 boys and 42 girls) and their 80 mothers (St. Petersburg). Using psychodiagnostic techniques, we found that 58% of preschoolers demonstrate an average level of interpersonal emotional competence, 29% show a high level and 14% demonstrate a low level. The comparative analysis of family interaction parameters in groups of children with different levels of interpersonal emotional competence revealed significant differences demonstrating changes from the low level to the average one and from the average level to the high one. In preschoolers’ families with the high degree of emotional competence mothers have a greater maturity of parenting stylistic characteristics and less pronounced psychological problems associated with parenting compared to the families with low and average levels. They are less prone to demonstrate self-indulgent hyperprotection, use unstable parenting style, psychologically project on their children, and their marital conflicts do not affect the parenting sphere. Mothers in this group also demonstrate higher emotional acceptance of the child and greater maturity of behavioral manifestations of interaction. No differences were found in the indicators of family adaptation and cohesion. Comparison of groups with the average and low emotional competence shows similar patterns. Thus, the comparative analysis does not reveal compensatory mechanisms in the development of mothers’ interaction with children required for its formation.


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