Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Sunnatova R. I. Socialization level of schoolchildren of the 7th–11th grades in digitalized educational environment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2022, vol. 11, iss. 3, pp. 196-206. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2022-11-3-196-206

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Socialization level of schoolchildren of the 7th–11th grades in digitalized educational environment

Sunnatova Rano I., Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education

The article presents the results of a study on characteristic features of the socialization level of adolescents studying at school. The relevance of studying the socialization level of teenagers in the epoch of digitalization of education is important both for understanding a number of scientifi c aspects and for completing the tasks of psychological support for students in the context of those changes that take place in modern school educational environment. The objective of the research is to study the correlation between non-normative forms of schoolchildren’s behavior (excessive use of digital devices, a tendency to violate norms and rules, suicidal mood) and the adolescents’ feeling of satisfaction with the attitude of signifi cant people to them (parents, teachers and classmates). These factors are considered as conditions that determine peculiarities of the socialization level of schoolchildren. Presumably, non-normative forms of behavior of schoolchildren: 1) may be connected with their dissatisfaction with the attitude of signifi cant people towards them; 2) indicate problems with socialization. The condu cted research was based on the positions of the eco-psychological approach to the psyche development study. It was carried out in a comprehensive school. 698 students of the 7th–11th grades took part in the study. The author’s methodology “Personal Resource of Schoolchildren” (R. I. Sunnatova) was applied. The results of descriptive statistics of the methodology allowed the author to solve the research tasks. The research results confi rm the hypothesis about the signifi cant correlation between dissatisfaction with the attitude of important people and excessive use of digital devices (teachers, 458; parents, 431), a tendency to violate norms (teachers, 422; parents, 417) and a tendency to suicidal mood (teachers, 434; parents, 692 and classmates, 452) at a signifi cance level of p <0.001 (Spearman). It has been revealed that satisfaction with the attitude of signifi cant relatives can be considered as one of the conditions that predetermines the socialization level of schoolchildren. The presented approach can contribute to reducing or leveling the occurrence of non-normative forms of behavior of schoolchildren, and the created methodology may be of interest to the psychological service of schools.

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