Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

субъективное благополучие

To a Problem of Differentiation of Concepts of Psychological and Subjective Well-Being of the Person

In article occurrence and functional features of concepts psychological and subjective well-being of the person are analyzed. The basic research traditions of these directions are considered. The thesis about complementarity of these concepts is put forward.

Subjective well-being in its relation to various forms of activity of the student youth

Social activity is the sphere of students’ personal socialization and fulfi llment. The study of interconnection between adherence to various forms of social activity and characteristics of subjective well-being allows unveiling the most general parameters of student activity’s consistence and personal orientation. The purpose of the study is to carry our analysis of the interconnection between subjective well-being characteristics and social activity forms.

Психологическая безопасность сотрудников пожарно-спасательных частей МЧС России

Обеспечение безопасности граждан: жизни, здоровья, имущества, обуславливает актуальность изучаемой проблематики. В статье приведены результаты исследования, целью которого было изучение особенностей состояния психологической безопасности, сотрудников пожарно-спасательных частей (далее – ПСЧ) МЧС России, основной обязанностью которых является обеспечение безопасности, в контексте выполнения экстремальной деятельности. В качестве гипотезы в данном исследовании определено наличие положительного влияния деятельности на субъективное представление о безопасности.

Theoretical approaches to the study of the subjective well-being phenomenon

The necessity to “reconcile” various research positions regarding the study of subjective well-being phenomenon on the basis of an integrated approach makes the study of the theoretical approaches to the phenomenon relevant. Despite the abundance of modern scientifi c publications in the fi eld of psychology devoted to the study of well-being, there is a lack of a unifi ed understanding of the nature of this phenomenon. Scientists use a lot of concepts that are similar in content, but are not strictly diff erentiated.

The specificity of subjective well-being web-designers

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of subjective well-being web-designers. Analysis to be different factors affecting the specificity of the formation of a state of «satisfaction of labor."

Readiness for Risk as Personal Potential of Subject Regulation

In article attempt to analyse readiness for risk as personal potential of subject regulation is undertaken. Results of empirical research of readiness for risk in correlation with characteristics of self-control and subjective well-being of the person are submitted.

Psychological Аspects of Social Risks and Problem of Subjective Well-being of the Person

This article analyzes the psychological dimensions of social risks in relation to the issue of the subjective well-being of the individual and groups. Reveals the characteristics of the socialization, that influence the behavior of the of risk-creating and risk potential. Discuss issues of the social activity of the person with a different level and content of the subjective well-being.

Теоретические подходы к изучению феномена субъективного благополучия

Аннотация. На сегодняшний день проблематика феномена субъективного благополучия личности, несмотря на большое количество теоретических изысканий, остаётся актуальной и всё больше интересует исследователей преимущественно в его практическом аспекте. Несмотря на обилие современных научных публикаций в области психологии, посвящённых вопросам изучения благополучия, наблюдается отсутствие единого понимания природы этого феномена. На сегодняшний день в научных кругах используется множество схожих по своему содержанию, строго не дифференцируемых понятий.

Moral Orientation and Subjective Well-Being of Young People from Different Ethnic Groups

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of moral orientations and subjective well-being, conducted on a sample of young Russians and Armenians using the following psychodiagnostic tools: the scale of subjective well-being (M. V. Sokolova); the technique for measuring the level of social frustratedness (L. I. Vasserman); the technique for diagnosing moral orientations (I. S. Slavinskaya, A. D. Nasledov, M. Y. Dvoretskaya).

Criteria of Subjective Personal Well-Being: Socio-Cultural Determinancy

We have attempted theoretical analysis of social and cultural determination of the criteria of subjective well-being on the basis of which judgments about happiness, satisfaction with life and oneself are drawn.
