Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Career orientations as predictors of migration intentions of the individual

The research on the social and psychological factors of workforce migration is of relevance due to the increase in labour migration in Russia. Another factor that makes the problem relevant is the necessity to understand how migration intentions and decision of a person to migrate are formed. The purpose of the research is to study the correlation between career orientations and migration intentions as well as to justify the fact that the level of one’s satisfaction with their social and fi nancial status has a moderating infl uence on this correlation.

Карьерные ориентации как предикторы миграционных намерений личности

Изучение социально-психологических факторов миграции трудоспособного населения является актуальным ввиду увеличения потоков трудовой миграции в России и обусловлено необходимостью понимания механизмов формирования миграционных намерений и принятия личностью решения о миграции. Цель исследования – изучить взаимосвязь карьерных ориентаций и миграционных намерений; обосновать модерационное влияние на данную взаимосвязь уровня удовлетворенности социальным статусом и материальным положением.

The Study of Social and Psychological Adaptation of the Compatriots Moving from the Neighboring Countries to Russia: Scientific and Methodical Aspect

The article argues for the adaptation research topicality of compatriots’ moving from neighboring countries to Russia, deals with methodical aspects of social-psychological and individual-personal factors, influencing migrants-compatriots’ adaptation success. It is expected that along with universality of expected problems migrants-compatriots’ social-psychological adaptation will have its specificity, caused by psychological characteristics and conditions of the resettlement of this category of migrants to Russia.

The Value-Based Personality Structure of Compatriots in the Context of Their Return to their Historical Homeland

The relevance of the research is driven by the importance of studying the value-based personality structure in the context of their adaptation to a new ethno and socio-cultural environment. The goal of the research is to study the value hierarchy of migrants who have received the status of a participant in the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation. The theoretical basis for the study is Schwartz’ refined theory of basic personal values.

Satisfaction with Different Life Aspects as an Indicator of Social and Psychological Adaptation Success of Fellow Countrymen in Russia

de monstrates the complexity and uncertainty of the studied phenomenon of life satisfaction and phenomenon’s conditionality. The paper describes a variety of determinants of life satisfaction. It was established that the degree of aspirations and achievements, as well as the existence of achievement dynamics (positive or negative) in the primary life spheres before and after migration, has the prime importance among many factors affecting the level of life satisfaction among migrants.