Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

иноязычное образование

Exploiting the potential of artifi cial intelligence techniques in FLT

The relevance of using artifi cial intelligence (AI) techniques in education has increased signifi cantly during the pandemic and the forced transition to distance learning technologies. It was during this period that there was a breakthrough in the development of digital educational resources based on AI, but methodological support for their eff ective use was not prepared. The mechanisms of leveling the risks associated with possible eff ects of AI on education have not been identifi ed.

Реализация лингводидактического потенциала методов искусственного интеллекта

Актуальность применения технологий искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) в образовании значительно возросла в период пандемии и вынужденного перехода на дистанционные технологии обучения. Именно в этот период произошел рывок в разработке цифровых образовательных ресурсов на основе ИИ, однако методическое обеспечение их эффективного применения не было подготовлено. Не выявлены механизмы нивелирования рисков, связанных с теми эффектами, которые ИИ может оказать на сферу образования.

Developing the individual teaching style in foreign language teacher training universities

The present study is of relevance due to the necessity to develop an individual style of professional activity of intending teachers or their individual teaching style (ITS). This necessity is determined by the social and cultural signifi cance of the phenomenon under study and by the rapid pace of changes happening in the educational context today. The purpose of the study is theoretical interpretation of the concept of ITS of intending foreign language (FL) teachers and of its social and cultural signifi cance in the context of teacher training case study.