Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Correlation of social frustration and basic beliefs, the personality traits, subjective control of servicemen of the National Guard of Russia

The relevance of the study is due to the public demand for the development of means that can help to reduce social frustration in ‘closed’ educational institutions and for the establishment of its personal factors. Purpose: to study the role of life beliefs, personality traits and subjective control in the manifestation level of social frustration of military personnel of the National Guard of Russia.

Трансформация характеристик личностной и социальной идентичности иностранных студентов в условиях адаптации к обучению в вузе

Актуальность: Изучение трансформации личностной и социальной идентичности иностранных студентов в условиях адаптации к обучению в вузе, актуально в виду расширения образовательной миграционной политики в России, обусловлено необходимостью сопровождения процесса адаптации иностранных студентов в новой социокультурной среде. Цель: исследование трансформации характеристик идентичности иностранных студентов. Гипотеза: существует трансформация характеристик идентичности иностранных студентов включенных в поликультурную среду вуза.

Ethnopsychological features of readiness for risk

In this article psychological features of readiness for risk of Germans of the Volga region and Russian are considered. Dependence of readiness for risk on specificity of substantial characteristics of identity of the person of Germans and Russian is analyzed.


Empirical Research of Identity in the Different Specialists Groups. In the article the author outlines approaches to studying identity and its research results by means of the “Who I am” method and content analysis in different specialists groups.

Impact of sociometric status on adolescent role identity

The impact of digitalization on the process of personality socialization, a person’s involvement in various social networks create an opportunity for an individual to play a large number of roles without their eff ective integration into one’s cluster of roles. At the same time, the media often highlight the importance of role patterns in facilitating successful inclusion of adolescents in the social environment. However, over the past ten years, the number of scientifi c papers related to the study of role patterns has decreased signifi cantly.

Identity and Satisfaction with Marriage in Married Families

The article analyzes the theoretical approaches to understanding problems of family identity. The author discovered the dependence of well-being in the marriage from which the identity (personal or family) exists in humans. The sample consisted of 40 respondents (20 childless families with experience of 1 month - 3 years and 20 families with children with experience of 18-23 years). The use of complex techniques - «test questionnaire satisfaction with marriage» (Stolin) and «Who am I?» (M. Kuhn, T.

Military Identity of an Officer: Questionnaire and Its Validation

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to develop and validate the original technique for determining military identity level. The relevance of research topic is conditioned by the lack of methods for determining military identity level of military personnel. We proposed a new tool to determine the level of military identity. The hypothesis of the study was an assumption that the tool that was developed for assessing military identity level of officers is valid and reliable.

The Characteristic Features of Identity of the Volga Region’s Native at the Turn of the XX–XXI Centuries

This article is devoted to the scientific and theoretical analysis of structure and development of the ethnic identity and the ethnic communication of the Middle Volga region’s ethnos. Studying the ethnic stereotypes (auto- and hetero stereotypes) the author composes the full picture of interethnic communications in this region of Russia. The author also explains the psychological kind of Middle Volga people’s identity.