Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

high school students

A retrospective study of the ethnic identity development in the childhood: Analysis of ethnic autobiographies of high school students

The contradiction between the necessity to identify the resource potential of ethnic identity in modern conditions, on the one hand, and the contradictory data on its development in persons whose socialization takes place in an ethnically homogeneous environment, on the other hand, makes the study issue relevant. The research purpose: a retrospective study of the ethnic identity development in high school students living in a mono-ethnic Russian region – the Smolensk region.

Mechanisms of psychological defense and its dominant communication strategies in high school students and first-year students

The study of psychological defense mechanisms is relevant due to their signifi cance in the development of personality self-regulation as well as their importance in teaching and personal development of high school students and university students. The objective of the study is to identify and compare the features of psychological defense and its dominant communication strategies in high school students and fi rst-year students. The theoretical analysis of the problem showed that it is insuffi ciently studied.

Empirical research of sustainable behavior of high school students in the context of subject-environment interactions

Due to the climate change and the rising levels of stress in the society, a comprehensive study of the sustainable behavior of high school students is of particular relevance, not only in relation to the environment, but also to their interaction with the others. The purpose of the research is to study the sustainable behavior of high school students in relation to the environment and to other people.

Educational and developmental activity of high school students under COVID-19 restrictions

Most studies analyse educational process specifi cs during the spread of Covid-19 using higher education as an example. There is insuffi cient amount of research devoted to the study of students’ activity at diff erent levels of school education. The purpose of the study is to identify the diff erences in terms of manifestation and determination of high school students’ educational and developmental activity in normal life and under social isolation.