Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Agency of city dwellers: Concept and its operationalization

The research is relevant because it explores a new phenomenon – city dwellers’ agency – and introduces it in the thesaurus of social psychology of the city. The aim of the research is to formulate the concept of “city dweller’s agency” and to conduct its operationalization. Hypothesis: There is a connection between an individual’s internal sense of responsibility for positive urban changes and their attitudes towards city dwellers’ engagement across various platforms including online, discussions, and physical actions.

Субъектность горожан: понятие и его операционализация

Актуальность исследования связана с изучением нового феномена – субъектность горожан, включением понятия в тезаурус социальной психологии города. Цель: сформулировать понятие «субъектность горожан», выполнить его операционализацию. Гипотеза: существует связь интернальной ответственности за позитивные изменения в жизни города и установок на активность горожан в ее разных проявлениях (он-лайн, обсуждения, физические действия). Участники: 324 респондента в возрасте от 18 до 75 лет (M = 43, SD = 18), проживающие в Москве (49% женщин и 51% мужчин).

The Concept of “Educational Environment” and Models of Educational Media in the Modern National Educational Psychology

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of understanding the educational environment in modern psychology. Different approaches to the definition of the concept and construction of models of educational environments. The author’s definition of the educational environment and interactions with her pupils.

Social Activity of Person and Risk

This article discusses the risk-potential of social activity personality’s. Revealed characteristics of individual instances with position risk-generating and characteristics of social activity. Develops the author’s approach to investigate subjective assessment of risk.