Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Tolochek V. A. Professional Life: Synergetic Approach. Part 1. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 13-24. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2020-9-1-13-24

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Professional Life: Synergetic Approach. Part 1

Tolochek Vladimir A., Institute of Psychology RAS

The article continues the series of works on the problem of career (professional life). We study the phenomenon of “professional life”, its historical evolution, difficulties of its full and adequate scientific explication, and the techniques of its study. We consider a number of aspects of the problem within the boundaries of the means and capabilities of the synergistic approach. The subject of our research is career (professional life, in particular) as a social, socio-psychological and psychological (subjective, personal) phenomenon. The method used is historical and theoretical analysis. On the basis of the results of the study, we ascertain that it is time to recognize the definitions of psychological phenomena regardless of time and space as limited ones (space and time are the ontologically initial conditions for the origin, formation and functioning of all fragments of social reality). We propose a definition of career and professional life as a state that postulates its understanding as an open, unstable system. Attention is drawn to the fact that people, as “representatives” of their careers, are in the processes of interactions with other people; collectively, they are components of other large systems. The processes of interactions between systems give rise to different effects: many positive and negative changes, direct and indirect, directly manifested and delayed in time, lost in space and time or accumulated, acting as key factors in the evolution of systems. Career (professional life) denotes changes in the state of a person (as an individual, subject, personality, individuality), actively (and/or passively) interacting with others (in the social and psychological space, more or less long-term, more or less intensive), which results in the effects leading to subsequent changes in the psychological and socio-psychological space of the subjects of joint activities in the course of time. Accumulation of changes in these spaces changes over time, as well as the social spaces themselves, which, in turn, set new conditions for the manifestation of the activity of interacting subjects.


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