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Pisareva S. A., Tryapitsina A. P. Methodological Aspects of Transition to a New Educational Process Organization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 3, pp. 281-288. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2020-9-3-281-288
Methodological Aspects of Transition to a New Educational Process Organization
In this paper we explained the selection of methodological foundations of transition to a new educational process organization based on the understanding of the post-non-classical methodology features of pedagogical research. They do not lead to the elimination of methods and cognitive attitudes of classical and non-classical research methodology, but more clearly define their scope. The selected methodological foundations determined the direction of the scientific search for a solution to the problem as follows: understanding the goals of modern education as contributing to the formation of identity (personal and professional) of a person at different stages of his/her life, considering the growing uncertainty of the modern world, which implies focus on the formation of universal human competences; understanding competence as a multifunctional knowledge “pack”, abilities (skills) and relationships that each person needs for a full personal life and professional activity; recognition of multivariance as an essential feature of modern educational process. We found that the new educational process design reflects the emerging trend of the “anthropological transition” in science, which is associated with the emergence of free access to knowledge and responsible attitude to the knowledge application. It is shown that the content design of university educational (and training) programs should be oriented toward the independent design of personalized learning by a student. This idea involves the appeal to personal experiences of teachers and students as a core of educational content affecting all its components by designing an individual student model of educational content expressed in the formed individual set of key competencies of a particular student. We established that the proposed approach to the design of the new educational process is founded on the content design based on the ideas of humanitarian design, determining the probabilistic nature of dynamic learning models design. The term “probabilistic” reflects the uncertainty of pedagogical systems, the dependence of ongoing pedagogical processes on a specific context, and the term “dynamic modeling” is understood as planning (selection) of active teaching methods allowing students to be creatively involved in the educative process.
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