Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Izvestiya of Saratov University.

ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

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Kudinov S. I., Belyaeva E. N. Individual psychological prerequisites for self-realization of IT specialists. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2023, vol. 12, iss. 3, pp. 215-226. DOI: 10.18500/2304-9790-2023-12-3-215-226, EDN: DYERKV

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Individual psychological prerequisites for self-realization of IT specialists

Kudinov Sergey I., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Belyaeva Evgeniya N., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

The relevance of the study is due to the poor development of the problem of professional self-realization of IT specialists. The specifi city of the professional activity of this category of employees imposes special requirements on their individual psychological characteristics, which ensure the success of self-realization of specialists engaged in information and computer activities. Purpose: to identify the specifi cs of self-realization of IT professionals with diff erent individual typological features. Hypothesis: a set of certain individual-personal characteristics forms diff erent individual-psychological types of IT specialists, which act as a prerequisite for professional self-realization of the subject of this profession. Participants: employees of leading Russian IT companies (Moscow) (N = 154) – 42 women and 112 men aged 22 to 44 (average age 32.09±5.71). Methods (tools). To study the individual and personal characteristics of IT specialists, the following were involved: “IndividualTypological Questionnaire – ITQ” (L. N. Sobchik), “Personality Questionnaire – EPI” (G. Eysenck), questionnaire “Strategies for Coping with Stressful Situations - SACS” (S. Hobfall). When identifying the specifi cs of self-realization of IT specialists with diff erent individual typological features, the “Multidimensional Questionnaire of Personal Self-Realization” (S. I. Kudinov) was used. Results: it was found that such characteristics as “anxiety”, “sthenicity”, “extraversion” and “lability” are leading ones in the structure of individual traits of IT-specialists. The dominant coping strategies of IT-specialists are “entering into social contact”, “search for social support”, “cautious actions”. As a result of cluster analysis, three types of individuality of IT-specialists were identifi ed and characterized: “introverted-confi dent”, “extroverted-active”, “extraverted-prosocial”. According to the results of a comparative analysis the data on the confi guration of the types of self-realization in each cluster are presented. It has been established that specialists of the “introverted-confi dent” type demonstrate the highest rates in all types of self-realization: personal, social and professional. This allows us to consider this type of personality as the main predictor of eff ective self-realization of IT specialist’s personality. Main conclusions: 1) there is a certain specifi city in the manifestation of self-realization of IT specialists with diff erent individual typological features; 2) the practical signifi cance of the study is emphasized in the context of psychological support for the professional self-realization of IT specialists, taking into account their personal characteristics.

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